You've got this - John Deacon

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"What if they don't like us, Y/N?" John asks me, pacing back and forth outside and I lean against the band's van.

"That's impossible. I've seen you guys rehearsing and your great. So believe it when I say your gonna kill it." I move off the van and make my way over to an anxious John.

"Your not just saying that because your my girlfriend, are you?"

"What? No! Honey, when have I ever lied to you just to make you feel better? I have always given you the truth, even when it may not be what you want to hear." John nods and takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself and I move my hands up to cup his face. "Hey, where is all this anxiety coming from? Your never usually like this."

"Yes, well, I'm not usually one for performing in front of crowds, this is my first time after all. Every other time has been through practices with the band, in front of you or just by myself in my room. I'm an engineer, not a "rock star" as Freddie likes to call us." I sigh as I look at him, holding his hands and rubbing circles with my thumbs to try and soothe him.

"John, you are whatever you believe you are, and tonight I believe you will be a rock star. If you really get nervous, just try and find me in the crowd." Before I could say anything more, Freddie opens up the back door to the bar.

"John, it's time to go." John looks back at Freddie, giving him a nod. "Enjoy the performance, darling." He smiles at me.

"I will, and good luck Freddie."

"Darling, I don't need luck." He sasses, making me laugh as he walks back inside. Man, I wish he could share his confidence sometimes. I look back at John.

"You've got this." I give him a peck on the lips before I say suggestively into his ear; "After the show, we can find a way to celebrate" and I push him slightly towards the door to get him moving. I wait until he's inside before I make my way to the front entrance of the bar and into the large crowd, eager to hear the band play.

The boys enter the stage and I applaud for them with the others, feeling nervous as John frantically searches the audience. I wave my hand and as soon as he spots me, I blow him a kiss, making him smile and visibly relax. I know he'll do well, but whenever he gets nervous, I get nervous for him.

But as the show goes on, John gets more and more into it, clearly having so much fun on stage. I dance and get lost to the music, feeling so proud of my boyfriend as I look up at him. He is definitely a rock star tonight.

As the night ends and the band begins to pack and leave, I race outside to where the boys are loading their stuff into the van.

"John!" I squeal and he turns towards me with a wide smile. I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around him, giving him a tight hug. "You did so well. I'm so proud of you." I say into his ear as he squeezes me tight, sighing.

"Thank you, Y/N. I absolutely loved it up there. I couldn't have gotten through it though without you. I love you so much Y/N." I lean back, still in his grip, and kiss him deeply on the lips.

"I love you too, Deacy."

"Ahem." I hear from behind John, and he sets me back down on the ground before we turn to see Roger, Brian and Freddie staring at us with expectant looks on their faces.

"What about us, Y/N?" Roger asks with a smirk. I look at John quickly, before looking back at the boys.

"You guys did great, too. You really killed it!" I say less enthusiastically than what I did with John, but still convincingly. After all, they really did do well, minus a few mishaps, of course.

"And..." Roger continues.


"Where's our kisses and hugs? Where's our love?" Roger asks, earning an elbow to the side from Brian, and I roll my eyes, laughing slightly.

"Find yourselves a partner and you'll have all the kisses and hugs you want. I'm sure it won't be that hard."

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