You Got Me In Trouble

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Weddings are usually always fun, especially for the bride and groom, I think. I wouldn't personally know, but that's what I've heard. But it's something people generally look forward to. To see two people who love each other (hopefully), say their vows to one another. But most of all, it gives everyone an excuse to drink and call in sick the next day. That's why I personally love weddings anyway. Who doesn't love the free alcohol?

The drinking, though, is not the only reason why I'm looking forward to this wedding. It's my good friend, Charlotte's wedding. She and I met at work a few years ago and have been close ever since. Not close enough for me to end up being a bridesmaid (thank god, because she would definitely have been the bridezilla), but close enough that I got an invite to her wedding which is only for close friends and family.

The ceremony itself was quick and simple, but absolutely beautiful. It was like the couple just couldn't wait to be married to one another. Charlotte looks absolutely beautiful, too, and no I didn't cry. I have no idea what you are talking about. But with the ceremony being over, we were all now at the reception, the part of the wedding everyone secretly (or not so secretly)  was looking forward to. It's always because of the alcohol, the dancing and, if your single, the flirting with other good looking guests.

And sadly, that's how I got stuck in a boring conversation with a guy at the bar about how great and materialistic he is. Maybe not in those exact words, but it's summed up. He started off trying to flirt with me, but he was absolutely awful. Even he knew it and he gave up. This isn't much of an improvement, though. None of what he is saying is impressing me. I tried to tell him that I wasn't interested, but he just seemed to ignore me. 

Trying to hide an oncoming sigh by taking a gulp of my drink, my eyes meet some other guy's right behind him. A really good looking guy, too. Smiling at me, his face soon morphs into the hilarious expression of quadruple chins that makes me choke on my drink.

"I know right!" The guy says, misinterpreting my choking and I force my eyes to go back on him. "That's was I was like. So, anyway...." I can't help but drift my eyes back to the other guy who now atones a different expression. His face is tilted at a low, crooked angle and he looks at me with an 'evil' grin and eyes, wagging his eyebrows at me. Before I could even try to stop myself, I laugh.

"What are you..." The guy in front of me turns around in confusion to see the funny faced guy and instantly turns back to me, face portraying anger. "Really? You could have just said you weren't interested." I try and school my shock. But I did! "Whatever, your not worth it, anyway." He storms off, leaving me staring after him, mouth agape in shock. From my peripheral vision, I see the other guy slide into the now vacant seat and I turn my attention back to him with an amused smile.

"I think you just got me in trouble." I laugh and he just shrugs his shoulders.

"Eh, don't listen to him. He just got his ego bruised." I laugh again, getting more comfortable in my seat. "Besides, I thought I was just saving your ass." 

"Mmm, yes," I start to sarcastically say, "your probably expecting to be swooning and saying 'my hero', aren't you?"

"Yeah, that would be nice." He nods, making me laugh and roll my eyes playfully. "But I was more hoping you would come and dance with me." I dramatically gasp.

"But I don't even know your name." Now its him who rolls his eyes playfully.

"I'm Joe."


"Now, shall we dance?" He stands up, offering his hand out for me and I immediately take it with a wide smile. 

"Hell yeah."


I honestly cannot remember having this much fun with someone in such a long time. When Joe and I took to the dance floor, our moves were anything but elegant and graceful. We just threw our limbs wherever the beat wanted them to go, not trying to be sexy, not trying to impress the other, but trying to see how hard we can make the other laugh. Our moves were honestly quite hazardous for the others around us.

We ended up 'dancing' until everyone else started going home to their families and we were asked by the bride and groom themselves to leave. Politely, of course.

So, as we waited for our separate Uber's, we just went outside, sat down and leaned our backs against the building as we talked. Joe is definitely one of the most interesting people I have ever met. But then, my Uber arrives.

"Well," I start to say, reluctantly, "this is me. Thank you, Joe, for being my dance partner and making it an amazing night." He places his hand on mine, making me blush and look into his eyes as he squeezes my hand lightly.

"The pleasure was definitely all mine." Blushing and smiling shyly, I begin to get up, only to be pulled back down by Joe. "Wait," he says and I look at him with a confused expression before he leans in. He hovers just before my lips, as if asking for my permission, but I quickly close the gap. At first, it's just a simple kiss, but then he moves, causing the kiss to become deeper and more passionate, making me moan and want more. But when my lungs start to scream in protest for air, we reluctantly pull away, trying to catch our breaths.

"Okay, now you can go." He smiles, and I laugh. I stand up and head to the car where the Uber driver is patiently waiting for me. "I'll call you tomorrow." Joe shouts as I begin to get into the car,

"You better!"

Joe Mazzello ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now