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| Talking|
|'Thinking' |
|Kurama talking|
|Kurama thinking|


Naruto pov

I ran as fast as I could. A mob of armed villagers were running at me for no reason. Did I do something? I take a turn to the left and jumped on a house roof. I looked behind me and a smirk was growing on my face. The mob gazed at me, frustrated.

I turned around only to bump into someone. I fall of the roof and the mob circled me. I sat there terriffied. What were they going to do to me tonight?




"Stowp! Pwease! I beg you!" I said blocking my ears and crying. I feel a kunai cut my neck and blood pouring from it. I feel a knife cut my belly and left shoulder. I gasp for air.

I saw a bat coming towards my head. I jump up and it hits my back, air leaving me. I gasp again, my mind getting blank. I saw a kunai slashing towards me but it was stopped by a silver-haired anbu. I close my eyes and everything went black.

??? Pov

I look at the blond haired child and suddenly he passes out. I panic and separate from the man. I look at all of them in disbelief. Why would they do this to a four year old child? I pick him up bridle style and jump on a roof.

"Why are you guys attacking this child? He did nothing wrong. And don't start with that 'We're ending what the fourth started' shit. Just beacause he is holding the kyuubi doesn't mean you should abuse him. Think about how you're making him worse than he actually is" I say in a monotone voice.

Oh how I wanted to yell at them. I leap house to house to the hokage office with the boy in my arms. I don't even bother to knock. I barge in, the hokage there doing paper work.

"Hokage-sama, the boy you requested is in critical condition. Should we bring him to the hospital?" I said urgently.

"Yes. Inu, please accompany me" The hokage said nodding.

"Hai hokage-sama" I said.

We both ran as fast as we could to the hospital. Luckily, the boy apperently called Naruto was still breathing. We enter the hospital and stop at the enterance.

"Quick! We need a doctor!" I yell.

The staff at the counter come up to us and looked at Naruto. "Sorry, we can't take in anymore patients after eight pm"

She had this look in her eyes. Hatred. I was going to say something until someone from the shadows stepped beside me. "You will let this boy get medical attention"

"H-hok-kage-s-s-sama" The lady choked out. "He'll g-get treated r-right aw-away"

"Oh, I almost forgot. If you attempt to hurt him, you will have serious consequences" The hokage said monotone.

The lady gulped and nodded shakingly. She took Naruto from my arms and headed for a hospital room. The hokage looked at me and spoke. "Follow them"

I nod and shushin. In the shadows, nothing really suspicious is going on. When the nurses leave, I sit beside little Naruto's hospital bed.

Naruto pov

I woke up in a sewer-like place. The water was about up to my knees and there was barely any light. I saw a huge cage right in front of me. I decide to walk towards it and between to get on the other side.

As I do so, I see a big canine-like figure in the shadows. I walk to it and bump into one of his tails. I turned around and it looked like they woke up. Big, red, glowing eyes were staring at me. I look at him and smile. "Hi! What's your name?"

It's eyes opened and he got up. "You want to know my name?"

I nod curiously. "Well then, my name is-"

"Fwuffy!" I say as I cuddle one of his tails. He gently pushed me away with one of his paws.

"Kit, no my name is not fluffy, It's Kurama" The canine said.

Walk up to him. "Awe you a dog?"

He face palms and put his muzzle closer to me. "Kit, I'm a fox"

I let out a draging 'oh' and hug his muzzle. "Can we be friends?" I ask doing my puppy eyes.

"When you stop asking questions"

"Okay! One mowe though. Can I cawl you Kura?"

"Sure kit"

All of the sudden I wake up in a hospital bed with the anbu that saved me on a chair. I look at him and he looks dead. I get up and poke him in the face.

??? Pov (guess who)

I woke up with a certain blonde poking me in the face. I sat up on the chair properly and he jumps off of me. I Look at him and give him my signature close eyed smile. "Hello Naruto, I'm Kakashi"

He looked at me puzzled. "How do you know my name?" He asked in his adorable voice. "Well you see, I'm an anbu working for the hokage. He told me all about you" I say.

The boy looked at me and his eyes lightened up. "Okay! Kashi-nii, can we be fwiends?" He said, a light pink blush on his cheeks. I felt my own cheeks heating up a bit at the name he gave me. "Sure"

Hey guys! This is my first Naruto story I've ever made on wattpad.

I just want to point out that this story manly focus on Naruto being an anbu. I have read alot of Naruto being an anbu and at the start of the story, it's really good with fights and anbu. The only two things I don't like about them is that it turns into a love story and it just starts getting uncomfortable or Naruto is op and he can beat any villan with a blink of an eye.

It almost always happens and that's not gonna happen in this story. Like I mean I could put a bit of romance but not a pile of it.

Anyways have fun with my story!


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