Chapter 2

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Eren woke up, and blinked. His eyes adjusting to the light.

Something felt missing, the girl that was pushed up against his chest when he fell asleep wasn't there anymore.

He pushed himself up, looking around.

"Mikasa?" He asked, his eyes flicking around the small room. "Mikasa where are you?"

He noticed a head poke around a door. The messy haired girl walked out, smiling slightly.

"You're awake finally," She said, happily.

"Your hair's a mess.." He laughed, shifting so he was closer to her.

She smiled, wrapping her arm around his upper back. "Yeah I know, I was about to go in and wash up when you
called me"

"Well go and do that," Eren told her, "I can wait for you."

Mikasa nodded, and went back in the bathroom, returning 10 minutes later.

"About time.." Eren muttered, smiling slightly.

She rolled her eyes, and punches his arm.

"Holy shit!" Eren yelled, "Damn you have an arm!"

"D-did I hit you too hard?" She asked him, placing her hand on his arm, lifting the sleeve to check.

"No, no. I'm fine. You just don't look like you'd be very strong"

"There a lot about me you need to.. relearn"

He nods, looking away out the window.

"Hey Mikasa?" He asks, "Who is the blonde, shorter guy? Has hair about the same length as yours."

"Oh, Armin? He is.. Or was your best friend"

Eren nods. "Maybe I should go talk to him."

"Yeah maybe.. later." She replied, laying him back down. "You still have to make up for dying on me."

Eren rolled his eyes, and wrapped his arms around her, and she snuggled into him.

Mikasa sighed loudly, before saying.
"I.. I love doing this with you, but I feel guilty.." She said, loosening up a bit.

"Why's that?" He asks her, looking down.

"I feel like.. you don't know what you'd wanted to do before you died.. and came back. You only did this once.. and I don't know if you'd want to be doing this again"

"Mikasa, if I didn't, i'd be the biggest idiot on the face of the planet. I'm enjoying every bit of this.."

Her face flushed up, and she snuggled into him again. A few seconds later, he felt his shirt getting damp again.

"Mikasa?" Eren asked, looking down at her again, "What's wrong?"

"I just..  Eren I love you.." She said, fairly quiet

Eren flinched slightly, as soon as Mikasa felt this, she hugged him tighter.

"I- Sorry Eren.. I shouldn't have said that.. You're still trying to figure out what's happening. I'm taking this too fast aren't  I"

"No, not at all Mikasa.." He said, reassuring her. "I, I love you too. I just know I do."

She nodded, and began breathing slower, as she stopped crying.

Eren rubbed the back of her head, soothingly. , before kissing the side of her head.

"Mikasa, don't be scared to tell or ask me anything, okay?" He asked told her.

The Rest of Eternity: Branded by Eternity *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now