Chapter 6

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I'm back, again.
"Go to hell" Eren spat in an venomous snarl.

"Eren.." He began shaking his head. "This is hell, this Island is hell. Why do you think we're trying to fix it?"

"Fix it? You're trying to get rid of the Military. Everything would fall apart within the first day!" Eren raised his voice, "It'd be chaos"

"That's why we'll have enforcers.  Anyone who steps out of line will.. be made an example of.."

"Murder, You'll murder them"

"Murder is a harsh term Eren.. More like, sacrificing for the greater good"

"Liar!" Eren spat back at him. "You know damn well what you're doing isn't going to 'benefit humanity' it'll tear what's left of it to pieces!"

"This is the kind of thinking that stops us from progressing. People like you see change as a bad thing. Change is the only thing that keeps us from going extinct"

Eren rolled his eyes? "People like you are who's going to lead us to extinction"

In the distance a bell tolls, and Schneider stood up.

"It's time. This talk has been fun Eren, but everything is set up."

Eren's eyes flick to a window, and tries to stand up. He feels his arms being wretched behind his back and is thrown into the floor, a yelp of pain escaping his gritted teeth. A cold steel engulfs his wrists, and he is jerked up.

"Well Eren, this is it. This time, two years from now many people will be thankful for your sacrifice Eren."

Eren was about to say something. But the rag was tied around his mouth again. Eren began to shake trying to get away, while he was dragged out the door and into a cart.

Being tossed into the cart a second time, Eren winced.

His eyes traced themselves to the blue sky above him. He sighed loudly, as the horses began running.

"How do I get away from here.. I need to warn everyone.."

He lost himself deep in thought, when something flashed through his mind.

"Eren! Eren listen to me! You need to learn how to control this power! Your life, Armin's live, Mikasa's life. Everyone's life relies on you to control this power!"

A flash and he was returned to the rough, rumbling cart.

"W-what the hell?" He whispered to himself. "Power? What.. who was.."

A loud shout, and the slowing of the cart caught his attention. He tried to look over the wall of the cart, but he couldn't.

"Grab Yeager" He heard Schneider yell. Seconds later he felt a hand grip him and drag him out of the cart.

He was roughly drug across the ground and was thrown onto a wood platform. He felt two heavy thumps and he looked to the side. A man he didn't recognize walked over to his side, a blade clutches in his right hand.

Erens eyes went back forward, to where a crowd was drawing near to observe what was happen.

Schneider walked up front.

"Welcome" He said, a slight smile on his face. "Lets just get right to it shall we? For hundreds of years, we've been stuck in these walls. Now yes, the titans are gone, as you've probably heard already. But, why should we stop at getting rid of the titans. If history has shown anything, we're prone to fighting each other." He walked over to Eren. "I have a vision, that all that could stop. And where that starts, is killing the one that started all this."

He turned to Eren.

"Eren Yeager, often referred to as 'humanities hero' always has a group of people fighting for him. Once we get rid of him, that would get rid of a large bit of out problem wouldn't you say?"

The sword was pulled to his throat, and a few loud gasps could be heard.

A loud shout sounded through the air, and the sound of boots echoed as a group of Military Police broke through the crowd.

With a wave of Schneider's hand, multiple guns were raised against the small group.

"As I was saying, we have a problem, that I can fix, and I will do so.."

Another flash, and Eren was thrown into a corner.

Eren and Mikasa at both his sides. The nervous shouts of a man I front of him, dozens off soldiers lined up next to him, swords trained onto all three of them.

He found himself yelling back

"I'm human!"

A particular dread engulfed him as the mans arm was raised.

He felt Mikasa yanking on him, and pulling him towards the wall, and he watched Armin standing, staring at them all.

Next thing he knew, he was dragging Mikasa to Armin, his arm locked with hers. He threw his arm around Armin, and brought his hand up to his mouth.

With a searing pain, he had the metallic taste of blood fill his mouth, and suddenly felt intense heat, and the booming impact of the cannon ball hitting something big against him.

He was thrown back into the present, as he felt the cold steel against his throat.

"Do it"

He felt cold run against his throat, followed by warmth running down his throat.

He closed his eyes. Out of no where, the thought of something he heard somewhere.

"you must have to think of a clear goal"

He looked up, gritting his teeth, before saying aloud.

"Im going to blow them all away.."
Done. Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. Until the next time.

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