Chapter 8

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Mikasa heard someone knock on the door. She slowly got up, and began walking again.

More knocking, She gripped the handle and threw the door open.

He looked up, and made eye contact with bright green eyes.

"Eren..?" She asked quietly.

She watched the dark silhouette lunge at her.

She screamed, and tried to scramble back.

A hard grip wrapped around her. She began struggling, driving her elbow into the mans face. He cried out, and she felt another pair of hands on her arms.

She felt a sharp pain piercing her arm, and she began to feel sick. Her eyes grew heavy as she slipped off into unconsciousness.
Waking up, Mikasa looked around.

She couldn't see anything. She felt cold around her wrists.

She struggled to get out of her restraints.

Just then, she heard a the creaking of a heavy door opening, followed by talking.

She made out what they were saying.

"What is she... Last female Ackerman..?     I see. She'll go for quite a bit huh?"

Mikasa inhaled heavily.

"N-not this again.." she thought. "Please not this again.."

A lantern illuminated the dark room, revealing it as a basement.

"Ah.. She's awake..." A man walked over to her, eyeing her.

"She is a cute one isn't she" He said, squatting down to her level.

"She won't be able to much, the stuff we injected her with will make her tired for quite a long time."

"How much for getting her? 20%?"

"She put up a fight, 25%"

"No shit she put up a fight you idiot.  I'll do 22.5%"

The other man thought about it for a minute, before nodding. "I guess that'll work. When should I have her ready?"

"Tomorrow evening" the other man said, "I'll be here at night to take her."

They both walked up the stairs, shutting the door, leaving Mikasa in the dark again.

She began silently sobbing, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Eren please.." She muttered out.


Eren knocked on the door, and the door swung open.

"Eren..?" The familiar short blonde asked.



"Armin, where is Mikasa?" He asked, peeking over his shoulder into the room.

"We dont know.. I heard a short scream come from your guy's room, then some fumbling. By the time I got out, and over here the door was wide open and no one was inside."

"How long ago?"

"About an hour"

Eren's eyes widened, and he pushed passed the shorter boy.

He looked around the room, it seemed in order, before he looked down.

Glistening from the silver moonlight, a few drops of blood. He looked at Armin.

"We need to find her.. now"

Eren grabbed Armins arm and began dragging him to Levi's office. He ran in, and almost ran into Levi.

"What the hell are you doing?" Levi asked Eren, clearly not very happy.

"Mikasa's missing, We.. I don't know where.."

"Why wasn't I alerted about this?" Levi asked, looking to them.

"W-well.. you just got back.." Armin said, "You weren't here when I went to get you at first."

Levi let out a low growl. "When did she go missing"

"About an hour ago Armin said.." Eren told him, looking back to Armin..

"About an hour.? They aren't far then, even on horse back they couldn't have gotten that far."

Eren nodded.

"There's an old abandoned shack that.. not so good people always went to.. its best to check there first.."

Both Eren and Armin nodded.

"Well! Get out of the way! I'll show you where it is."

"But wait?" Eren asked, "shouldn't we bring weapons?"

Levi nodded his head. "If you want"

Eren looked at Armin, who looked to Levi.

Levi turned around grabbing one blade.

"What about..?" Armin asked, gesturing to Eren and Levi.

"I don't need anything for fighting thugs. And Eren clearly knows how to handle himself, from being in the middle of nowhere for 2 years on his own. Now let's go, now."

All three of them ran to the stables where the horses were kept, hoisting themselves onto them.

"Where would they have gone?"

"The only way in is the main entrance through the woods. In it there's a wooded path branching out leading to the house, if there's any signs of a carriage being there or anything we head there first.

Eren and Armin nodded, and they rode that direction, before levi stopped at the path.

"You guys see anything?" Levi asked, squinting to look down the path.

"Wheel marks!" Eren yelled, pointing out where grass seemed to be crushed down.

Levi nodded, "Let's go."

They lightly kicked the horses sides, and they began galloping down the path.

"I'm coming Mikasa.. I'm coming"

Boom, done. Thanks for waiting, and thanks for reading. Bye!

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