Out Of The Factory

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I wasn't entirely sure where I had come from or how I had gotten to where I was, but I knew that I would never be able to do what I was designed for.

"Welcome to the Institute of Perfection!"

The voice came from a large screen that was placed over the arch that stood tall in front of me. I looked at the other dolls that were in the bin with me, but they weren't finalized like me. I was already designed, clothed, and given a name. I was the first to step forward, and I found it easy to walk through the scanners without being stopped.

Every doll in the area set their eyes on me as I walked by them. Some began to whisper while others cheered for the new round of dolls that joined together around me.

"Welcome! You all are apart of Doll Type 12!" A doll with blond hair that was kept perfectly stylized said, standing on a stage that was placed in the middle of the Institute's grounds.

All of them except me. I'm not like them. I looked around at the other dolls.

"You have three days to learn how to be perfect. If you fail, you don't get to go to the Big World." The boy said, motioning to the large portal that a handful of dolls were going through.

He then ran his eyes over the dolls I stood with, and his gaze paused on me. I instantly looked away, making the mistake of exposing the small stamp that read Prototype. I could tell that he had seen it when he made a sorrowful expression while looking at me. I fixed the collar of my shirt and glared at him, begging with my eyes for him to keep his mouth shut.

"Take them to their homes. They'll start their work in the morning." He said, motioning to us after snapping his fingers at one of the girls who stood with him.

I wasn't surprised when the boy pointed at me and motioned for me to follow him. The three girls stared after him as he walked to what I assumed was where he stayed, very easily going up the short staircase. I hesitated before I followed after him.

"I'm guessing you brought me here because you saw the mark on my neck." I muttered once we were inside the mansion.

"Yes, I did." He replied. "First, introductions. I'd like to know your name."

"I'd also like to know your name."

"My name is Lou. I make sure that every doll is perfect before they go through the portal to the Big World and meet their perfect child."

"I'm Annabelle."

He offered his hand to me, and I sighed as I placed mine in his. He smiled as we shook hands, and I looked around the mansion as he spoke.

"What Doll Type are you?" He asked.

"Doll Type 12 1/2." I answered, wiping dust off of one of the statues of him that were placed at a doorway. "I'm supposed to be the prototype for Doll Type 13."

"And what's so special about this new Doll Type? Why'd they have to make a prototype for it?"

"I have a voice box in me that's programmed with three languages. If a child touches the button on my back, I'm supposed to dance and sing."

Lou looked at me in curiosity, and I jumped away from him when he reached toward the button.

"Please don't!" I begged. "I don't know what it'll make me do."

"Fine. I won't." He held his hands up in defeat. "You do know that you won't be able to pass since you're a prototype, don't you?"

"I know that, but no one else knows that I'm a prototype. What am I supposed to do if they ask why I can't participate in the Gauntlet?"

Lou looked at me, his blue eyes filled with pity. I scoffed and turned away from him.

"Like you would even understand! You're the one they all look up to! You're the most perfect doll here, and there's nothing stopping you from just going through the portal yourself." I huffed.

"I understand a lot better than you think I do, Annabelle." Lou's voice was soft, and I felt his hand on my shoulder. "If you want to give the Gauntlet a try, I'll stand behind you, but you can't pass no matter how hard you try to. You'll fail every time. It's best to do it once and make yourself fail it so no one else knows what you are."

I brushed his hand off of my shoulder, and I turned to look at him. He gave me a soft smile, and he chuckled when I rolled my eyes.

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