The Gauntlet

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I took a deep breath as I walked with the other dolls to the stadium where the Gauntlet was going to be taking place. I could hear the crowd of dolls cheering and yelling before we had reached our destination. I wasn't surprised to see a spotlight on Lou.

"Come join me here in front of the Gauntlet!" He yelled, holding his arms up to motion toward the large doll house that was behind him.

I was among the first group of five dolls to head into the Gauntlet. I sighed as I stepped onto the platform that would lift us up to the starting point.

"Remember. Try your hardest." Lou directed the comment to me.

Try my hardest to fail. I can't pass anyway, so failing is the only option. I thought to myself repeatedly as the platform began to rise.

I waited for the others to step inside the doll house, and I rolled my eyes as they immediately ran away from each other. I took my time to walk through the doll house, and I found myself face to face with a robotic dog as I reached the stairs. I screamed, and the dog barked before grabbed me in its mouth and running around.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed before the dog shook its head so hard that it let me go, sending me through the dog door and directly out of the doll house. I grunted as I hit the ground, landing on my back.

"Oh, poor thing." Lou pouted as he stood over me. "You didn't get out in time. You fail."

He held his hand out to me, and he pulled me to my feet when I placed my hand in his. He had the ghost of a smile on his face as he turned to the crowd.

"Three of our competitors managed to fail! They'll be given another chance to go through the Gauntlet in another month, if they wish to do so!" He said. "For the rest of you, it's your choice whether you stay here or go to the Big World!"

I smiled slightly as the others cheered. I looked at the doll that stood beside me.

"Don't worry, Annabelle! You'll have another chance!" She said.

She clapped her hand on my back, and my eyes widened as I felt the button that was placed there press down. I was quick as I ran from the stadium, only catching a quick look at Lou's surprised expression as I ran off. By the time he found me, I had already gone through the button's function cycle.

"Why'd you run?" He asked.

"One of the dolls hit the button. If I had stayed there, I would've sang and danced a random song that's programmed into me." I explained.

I hid my face from him, and he sighed. I looked at him in surprise when he stood in front of me, using his hand to lift my chin up.

"Stay with me." He said. "We can help other dolls find their place in the Big World. You won't have to be alone, and you'll be loved by the others."

"I already have other dolls staring at me all the time because you're so interested in me. What are they going to do to me if they know you're wanting me to stay with you?" I brushed his hand away.

"They'll all leave eventually. Soon, you won't know any of the dolls here! You can make a name for yourself and make them believe that you're perfect."

"How do I know you'll keep my secret?"

Lou sighed, and he turned his back to me. I tilted my head in confusion.

"I can keep your secret." He muttered. "I'll even tell you mine if it makes you feel safe."

"What secret can the most perfect doll have?" I scoffed.

"I'm a prototype." He answered, turning to look at me.

"There's no way. You don't have the mark like I do."

"It's not on my neck."

He lifted his black tuxedo jacket, pulling his white undershirt up with it, and I gasped when I saw the ink on his skin. I hesitated before I reached forward, and his entire body tensed as my fingers brushed over the word.

"That's why you stayed here." I whispered. "You can't go to the Big World."

"Prototypes aren't for consumers." He stated. "The only people who would want us are collectors, and they'll just stick us in a case on a shelf."

I suddenly had an entirely different view of Lou. He held no expression on his face, but his eyes were filled with loneliness and sorrow. He fixed his clothes and cleared his throat.

"No one else knows about my secret." He muttered.

"I'll keep your secret if you keep mine." I offered, holding my hand out the same way he had done on my first day at the Institute.

He smiled slightly as he took my hand, and I returned the smile.

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