Chase Away

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"I need your help."

"If it's deciding what jacket you should wear, you have at least ten of them that are exactly identical. I can't help you with that."

"No. It's not about my jacket this time. Though, I will need your help with my hair. It just won't stay in place. Hey! Don't get me sidetracked!"

I laughed, holding my hand over my mouth to hide the smile. Lou smirked as he looked at me.

"I wanted to ask you to do something for me." He stated, turning to look in the mirror once more. "Those ugly things are back again."

"And you want me to discourage them?" I asked.

"You are the best at being straight forward with what you say." He straightened the bow tie he was wearing. "And they would find it harsh if I were the one who spoke to them."

"It's going to be harsh no matter who says it, but if you would rather have them hear it from me, I don't see the harm in doing it."

I got to my feet and stood in front of him, and he smiled as I fixed his bow tie. I made sure that his hair was perfect, and I kissed his cheek before I walked toward the door.

"You owe me." I stated.

"I always do." He chuckled.


"Hey, Moxy!"

The small pink.....thing.....turned to look at me. I bent down slightly to get a better look at her.

"I wanted to talk to you." I said.

"Sure, Annabelle!" Moxy always had a smile on her face. "I was just going to meet up with Mandy. You can come with me!"

She grabbed my hand, and I suddenly felt disgusted just by being touched by her. I made her let go of my hand as soon as we were with Mandy.

"Hello, Annabelle." Mandy waved, a small smile on her face.

I cleared my throat, acknowledging her with a small nod. "As I was saying, Moxy. I want to talk to you."

"What did you want to talk about?" Moxy asked, smiling as she looked up at me.

I took a deep breath, and I laced my fingers together as I tried to think of a nice way to speak to her.

"I honestly don't think it's the right idea for you and your band of misfits to participate in the Gauntlet." I tried.

"Why not?" She tilted her head.

"Well, the Gauntlet is designed for dolls to prove that they're perfect and worthy of going to the Big World." I explained. "And I hate to say it, Moxy, but you're not perfect."

"I know I'm not perfect, but I can still try! I know there's a place for me out there!"

Her enthusiasm was starting to get to me. "Moxy, you would do so much better if you were to go back home. No child would be happy if they got you. You're........ugly. You frightened me when I first saw you, and I'm not easily frightened. Trust me when I say this, but this isn't the place for you. You should go home with your friends and stay there. That's where you belong."

I wasn't surprised when Mandy stood between us. She squinted her eyes as she glared at me.

"You have no idea what you're talking about. She's going to prove to Lou that looks don't matter, and they're all going to go to the Big World." She snapped.

"Honestly, Mandy, you should go back to their home with them. That horrible eyesight of yours won't help you earn your right to go either." I used one finger to push her away from me. "No matter how perfect you think you may be, you are not perfect enough for the Big World. None of you are, and you're foolish if you think so."

I turned my back on them and smiled to myself as I walked back to the mansion. There was a small place in my heart that felt horrible for doing what I had done, but I knew that what I was doing was right. I ran up the stairs that led to the mansion and headed inside. Lou was standing at the window.

"Did you talk to them?" He asked.

"I spoke to Moxy." I replied.


"I don't know what she's going to do, but I did tell her that she doesn't have a chance."

He turned to look at me, and he smiled before he walked up to me. He played with a loose lock of my hair, twirling it around his finger.

"Thank you, Babe." He cooed.

"Anything for you, Lou." I replied.

"Haven't I told you to call me by my full name when we're alone?"

"What's so special about me saying your full name?"

"I like how it sounds when you say it."

"You're an odd man, Louis."

"You've told me before, Annabelle."


Lou threw a party like he always did when dolls passed the Gauntlet run. I watched the dolls celebrate, and I smiled when I found that Lou was among them.

"Come join the fun, Annabelle." He ran up the stairs to the mansion.

"I don't really feel up for anything fun right now." I whispered. "Enjoy yourself tonight, Lou. After all of the work you've been doing, you deserve it."

"If that's how you view it, you deserve it too. You've been doing just as much work as I have, maybe even more!"

I smiled slightly as I touched his neck, the smooth and unmarked skin feeling warm beneath my fingers. "I'll join you another night."

I walked back into the mansion, and I could hear him following me. I closed my bedroom door and locked it before he could follow me further into the mansion.

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