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Contrary to popular belief, Hope did not throw a tantrum when she learned Faith was leaving with Auntie Bex. However, the same couldn't be said for when she announced she was going with her and the adults disagreed.

"Hope, you've got exams you can't just up and leave." Reasoned Alaric. Faith stayed seated in her usual chair in the headmasters office while Hope was up on her feet rivaling Alaric and Caroline.

"I finished all my exams earlier today so I could stay with my sister, that hasn't changed!" She argued.

"We understand that but that's not a valid reason for you to leave campus." Reasoned Caroline.

"Then I need some time to process the events of the last few monsters." Hope decided. It was obvious she was coming up with these things on the spot but nothing was stopping her.

"Speaking of the last few monsters, how do you feel leaving us to fend for ourselves against the next monster?" Questioned Caroline, and normally she wouldn't stoop this low but Hope was definitely a good asset to have.

"First you don't acknowledge my powers and now you wanna exploit them? How is that fair to me?" Faith glanced at the expression on her sisters face and quickly deduced that she was pissed. Rather than enjoy the show Faith found her found her undone nails much more interesting. "No, y'know what, how about you just suspend me."

"For what?" Oh great now she's thinking of ideas.

"For what i'm about to do." Hope stated, and turned to her sister.

"Hope--" Faith's warning went unheard as she was grabbed by her forearm.

"Come with me." Hope dragged her sister to the cafeteria area and burst through the doors with purpose with her sister in tow. All eyes fell on the two girls as Hope embodied every ounce of Mikaelson confidence possible and Faith managed to look just as convincing even if her uneasiness was clear.

"Hope you wanna tell me what the hell you're up to?" Hope ignored her sister and focused on the room full of people who thought they knew her. They were wrong and Hope was going to correct them.

"My name is Hope Andrea Mikaelson, my sister's name is Faith Henriette Mikaelson and our father is The Great Evil you read about in your history books. I am a Mikaelson witch and a Crescent wolf. I have Original blood running through my veins and I will not be ashamed of who I am— not for one second longer." With a glow of yellow in her eyes It was safe to say their audience was properly stunned, but the looks of total confusion on the faces of Hope's friends were less satisfying. Hope glanced at her sister before turning and leaving the room.

"Wow, so you're really just gonna put my whole government name out there and leave, huh? Yeah, okay." Grumbled Faith as she followed suit. Outside the cafeteria stood Alaric and Caroline who both looked royally pissed.

"Hope what did you do?" Alaric fumed knowing good and well she'd just told the best kept secret of the decade.

"I think it's best I take some time away from school so everyone can process this wonderful news." Said Hope sweetly and behind her Faith snorted.

"You're such a bitch Hope. Glad to see you really are a Mikaelson." Hope smirked at her sisters words whereas Caroline sighed heavily.

"Fine Hope, you win, the rest of the week is to be spent however your family sees fit, but not here."

"Great, i'm going to go pack."


The ride into town was silent as Caroline drove. No one even bothered to touch the radio but the silence was comfortable enough. The twin Mikaelsons sat in the back keeping each other company and silently sending support to one another as neither of them knew what to expect from Aunt Bex or their parents when they find out the stunt Hope just pulled. Halfway through the ride Faith watched as her sister wrung her hands together— probably an after effect of what she'd done earlier. Deciding to pretend Caroline wasn't there, she began to speak to her sister.

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