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Faith decided she needs an adult. She's sixteen years old and fifteen hours away from home. There's no way she can drive home in a stolen car and-- who is she kidding she couldn't drive even if she wanted to. She was terrible at it. It's a wonder no one has pulled her over in the hours she had the car, and yes had in the past tense.

Faith had come to the conclusion that while she needs an adult she needs one she can trust. Who better to trust than the headmasters of a school that protected supernatural kids. A school that her sister was currently attending. A school that she kinda got banned from.

It was no secret that Hope absorbed all the magic in the womb. All the werewolf DNA; considering her lack of a Crescent wolf birthmark, all the vampire blood; because she definitely couldn't heal quickly, and every wisp of witchcraft and that was the easiest to figure out.

Anyway, she needed to get to the Salvatore School so that's where she's going. Unfortunately she had to ditch the car before she could do that, which meant a nice long walk. She was wearing a yellow sundress with hard flip-flops so naturally she had to take a few breaks here and there.

When Faith finally made it to the school it was almost dinner time. Or rather she hoped it was almost dinner time and that they would feed her. She was standing outside the gates with no one answering the buzzer and no super strength to pry them open.

"Alrighty, plan C." Faith tossed her bag that held her old clothes and few essentials over the gate and moved to the fence and climbed over. This definitely felt like trespassing now but she could honestly care less. She landed on the other side of the fence pretty hard and scraped her elbow and knees when she hit the ground. Luckily her skin hadn't broke and the concrete just left ugly red marks. Also if her ankles weren't messed up two miles ago they sure as hell were now.

Grabbing her bag from off the ground and throwing it over her shoulder she pushed her curly hair out of her face and continued on to the Salvatore steps. Her calves were on fire and if she didn't sit down soon she would probably need a little vampire blood.

There was another buzzer next to the door which she pressed and, unsurprisingly, got no answer. With a growl in annoyance she tried pulling on the handles and her anger lessened when the door opened. Walking inside she felt cold, her sweat from the heat meeting the cold a/c.

There were students in and out of uniform, as it was Saturday, walking around and at first they didn't seem to notice her so she pretended to know where she was going. She was here years ago when her sister was first meant to go to school here. Faith threw a fit once she realized she wasn't staying and threw a very old book through a very nice window. She and Hope were so close back then, hardly left each other's sides. Now it was a text every once in a while.

While walking in the direction she thought was the headmasters office, she took notice of the artwork on the wall. She wasn't much of an artist but she knew art. The brushstrokes were familiar and she could probably figure out where she knew it from if she had a second, but by now everyone was looking at the mysterious girl in the yellow dress.

Finally she came upon some double doors and pulled them open only to find herself in the library.

"Jeez, this place is a maze." Faith glanced around for a second before beginning to exit the room full of knowledge when she heard her name.

"Faith?" The familiar voice questioned. She turned towards it and her eyes found her sister. Her really pretty sister. Faith was nowhere near ugly but it seemed like her sister had a glow up without her.

"Hope." Faith states with a tight smile gracing her lips. Her sister was in front of her now, confusion written all over her face. A face she was hoping to avoid.

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