what did I do wrong? really, what did I do. I didn't hurt anyone for the most part. so, what the f**k life. what they actual f**k.
sure, I damage everyone around me. and sure, I'm that chick that everyone knows and hate.
and sure, I'm a little to creepy. But that doesn't mean I'm not a good person.
All I want is to be loved. Even if its brief. All I want is love.
scars and all, I've never been truly loved by friends, family, or even myself.
I remember that when I was 5 I tried to kill myself with scissors. Oh how I cried.
I cry for stupid reasons really. like when I'm alone. or my dad don't get me something from hot topic.
I'm a cry baby.
But believe it or not, I'm the strongest. I laugh all my pain away. or hide it with silly expressions.
Do you know, out if the 25 people at the hospital when my dad was dieing, I didnt cry.
of course I cried on the inside, but I just smiled for 2 days straight.
Did I hurt after that? yea I did
Do I miss my dad? yea I do
I just wish I couldn't feel
numbness for my emotional pain would be nice.
sadly, I am not a sociopath.