Chapter 2

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Today was our first date.I had so many emotions built inside of me. I was nervous and excited, I was freaking out, yet also so calm. I didn't want to make a fool of ,myself and lose any chance I had with her. It sucked that I was only 15 because I coudn't pick her up in a car, like I would have liked to.

Looking myself over in the mirror I nod satisfied. Black skinnies with a button up shirt seemed decent enough.. I hoped.

I heard a knock at the door and my nerves exploded. I felt a little sick.

"Jalex? You just need to breathe. I know you're scared, but everything will be fine. My girl and I are getting married soon right? I'm sure you'll have my luck! Oh, and, be yourself okay? Don't try to be perfect, because something will go wrong. Ha ha, I know that from firsthand experience." My brother explains, patting me on the back and smiling softly at me.

Breathing deeply I make my way down stairs.

I pause slightly as I see Alexarah standing with my mother. She looked.. stunning.. The most perfect blue dress that stopped right at her knees. Her hair was curled into gorgeous black ringlets and the small line of eyeliner brought me to meet her astonishing eyes.

I was speechless honestly. I probably looked so odd standing on the third step from the bottom, staring at her.

Mom clears her throat, which brings me out of my trance.

"Hi Jalex." Alexarah says smiling sweetly.

Ugh. Her smile was just too much for someone to handle.

"Hi there beautiful." I pull her into a quick embrace. She smelled of vanilla and roses. The best combination in my opinion.

She blushes and looks down at her hands.

"Alexarah wants to walk because she says the weather feels nice." Mom comments.

I hated colder weather, but for her I would do anything. Grabbing her hand we walk to the coat rack. I gracefully place her coat on her delicate arms, then I swing mine on.

As I open the door, the wind nips at my cheeks. I can see my breathe in the crisp winter air. Kissing Alexarah's hand I pull the door closed behind us.

"You look absolutely stunning. I was speechless when I laid eyes on you today."

She grins and replies, "You tell me this everyday lover."

"And is that a crime? When I love someone I tend to compliment them profusely."

"So you've loved someone else?" She challenges, raising an eye brown.

I chuckle, "Not at all. No one's meant nearly as much as you;ve meant to me. Thank you very much."

"You're such a gentleman you know? Most guys these days pretty much hit it and quit it. It's pretty annoying, because I don't want someone to have sex with. I want to spend a few years together and get to know our wants and needs. Then when we are both ready, I'd like that moment to be special."

Alexarah understood me. It was like someone put her there for me and only me.

"I know what you mean love. You really understand me, and for that I love you."

"I love you too." She grins as her eyes light up.

I look up to see us already at the restaurant. That went by so fast!

Walking ahead of Alexarah I hold the door open. Oh the aroma of seafood was intoxicating. My mouth was already watering.

"Just 2?" The pixie like waitress asked. Her name tag read Alice. She was really pretty I had to say. Nothing compared to my Alex though. She looked to be in her early 20's.

I nod and she ushers us to a somewhat secluded booth. She winks at me, as if she knows this is our first date.

Alice does her usual introduction and asks what drinks we would like. Alexarah and I both order Dr. Pepper.

"This is a beautiful restaurant. How did you know I loved seafood?' She asks looking around, taking in the scenery.

I smile and reply, "I pay attention to little things my love."

She raises her eye browns but lets the matter drop. The waitress comes back with our drinks and we settle into a lighthearted conversation regarding her personal life and hobbies. I learned that she had a brother who died of cancer when he was 18. I knew it was hard for her, because the light blue of her eyes turned a shade darker as she retold the story.

Her hobbies included writing, reading, singing, and playing the guitar. I bet she had a voice even the anggel's were jealous of.

When our food was delivered to us, we picked off of each others plates, as if we were a married couple. Hr shrimp and rice was delicious and she also commented on the sushi, saying it was, 'To die for.'

I sighed as the evening came to a close. As we got up to leave, she pulled me close and passionately kissed me. My knees went weak. Ugh. The things this girl could do to me.

She smiled at me afterwards and we walked out the door. The evening had went perfect. I was so happy, joyous, ecstatic. I felt at peace with myself. What had I done to deserve such a treasure?

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