Chapter 8

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Regina pulled into Emma's apartment parking lot, her heart pounding in an uncontrollable frenzy in her throat. Why was she so nervous? It was just Emma... But things were different now. They weren't the same Emma and Regina anymore, maybe they would never be the same again. With these thoughts swirling in her mind, she took in a deep breath and stepped out of the car.
To Regina, the three flights of stairs up to Emma's apartment seemed to take an agonizingly long amount of time. She remembered the first time she came up here. Never in a million years did the brunette think that she would come up to this apartment for anything but a story. The subject of that story had become her best friend and she didn't want to lose that. Not over something as silly as a misplaced lock of the lips.
Finally, the brunette reached the blonde's door and she quickly knocked. To her surprise, it was mere seconds after her knuckles had parted from the wood that the blonde had opened the door.
She couldn't believe how different Emma looked from the, for lack of a better phrase, hot mess she was before. Her long blonde hair was no longer tied carelessly in a messy bun and she was no longer in a dirty shirt and sweat pants. She was now the Emma that Regina knew. Purely beautiful.

Emma said awkwardly. It was blatantly obvious that the blonde was embarrassed by the fact that she refused to make eye contact with Regina.

"Can I come in?"
Regina asked.
Emma nodded quickly and moved out of the door frame to let Regina pass. The amount of awkwardness that filled the room was almost suffocating. Both women were searching their brains desperately for a way to break the silence.

They said each other's names awkwardly. They could both feel the tension in the air. It was as thick as the early morning fog.

"I'll go first."
Regina said. A tightness began to form in Emma's stomach. She had been dreading this conversation for months. She could practically hear the words now.

What you did was creepy. I will hate you for the rest of my life. Never speak to me again.

Yeah. That had to be what Regina was going to say. What else would an obviously straight woman say? This was the end.

Regina began. Before the brunette could even get out a sentence. The blonde cut her off.

"Please. I think I know what you're about to say. I'm sorry. The kiss was out of line. I completely misread the situation. If you hate me, I wouldn't blame you. I just really wanted to say I'm sorry. I-"

Regina needed to cut her off. But how? Then it hit her. She knew exactly how. In one swift motion, Regina pulled Emma into a gentle kiss. Emma's eyes were wide. She certainly didn't expect this. Why was this happening though? Regina was straight. Right? Emma thought on this for a moment. She honestly didn't care why Regina was kissing her. She only knew that she liked it. Her eyes slowly shut as she let herself melt into the kiss.
It didn't take long before the two had run out of air and needed to take a breath.
Not quite knowing how to respond, Emma awkwardly cleared her throat.

"Um... What?"
Emma asked, confused.

Regina chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Well I had to get you to shut up somehow."

Emma was still reeling.

"W-well... There was probably an easier way to do that... But like... Aren't you like... Straight?"

Regina shook her head.

"Nope. I go both ways, though I typically lean more towards guys than girls."

Emma's brain was trying to wrap her head around what had just happened. This was not at all what she thought was going to happen. Now the question was did Regina have feelings for her? The kiss had to be an indicator right?

"Cool. Now um... Alcohol? Because I could sure use some."

Regina smiled at how flustered the young blonde had gotten. Emma was cute when she was flustered.

"That sounds lovely."
She said as she followed Emma to her kitchen.


Hey y'all,
So here is a new chapter. It's kind if of short but hey... At least I updated. Anyway, I will try and keep this updated but I make no promises. Especially since I've been having real bad writers block lately.
Hope you enjoyed!


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