Chapter Twelve

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The metal jangling of keys jerks me awake and I sit up, half my body still damp from the wet stone floor.

Buttery morning sun leaks through the skylight and I rub my fists against my eyes, clearing away the crust of sleep.

The Key Master shuffles toward my cell, his keys clinking against one another. Alani steps out from behind him and my stomach drops down to my feet.

"What's happening? Why isn't Lyent here?" I look around for Binks's patron, but he's nowhere to be found. It's just Alani.

"Are you coming to take Binks away?" I ask, confused. Binks comes up to stand beside me. Her ears are flat against her head and her tail hangs low. The other Ill-Fated are shifting in their sleep, waking to listen to our conversation.

Alani motions the Key Master forward. He reaches out a shaky hand and fits the brass key into its lock. The metal scrapes as it turns. Every hair rises on the back of my neck.

"Isn't it my exhibition duel today?" Cass asks from far down the dungeon.

Alani licks her lips. She smooths her red skirts against her thighs. They flow and pool around her feet like blood.

My heartbeat quickens. Alani fusses with her skirts when she's nervous.

"The plans have changed for today," Alani announces to the listening Ill-Fated.

The iron cell door screams against its hinges and Alani has to pause. She waits until the door is fully open. Behind Alani, I can see one of the guards stepping forward, two manacles standing open in her hands.

I try to catch Alani's eye, but she won't look at me. Something's wrong. Something's very wrong.

Nearly all the Ill-Fated are awake now. I can see their eyes glittering in the torchlight as they watch Alani, waiting for her to speak again.

"The king is here," Alani says.

All my thoughts go numb as the guard with the manacles steps inside the cell and grabs my wrists, slapping the iron around them.

This is wrong, I think, not quite feeling the cuffs' metal. It's not supposed to be me.

"I'm going to be in an exhibition before the king?" Cass says with a gasp. "He hasn't been here for months."

Alani shakes her head, her tiara sparkling. "No. The warden—"

"Your husband," one of the Ill-Fated shouts from down near Cass's cell.

Alani ignores him. "The warden," she repeats, continuing, "has requested a special Moon Day duel spectacular for the king."

"And why is the Thief being trussed up in irons and not me?" Cass asks, her voice dropping in tone.

I turn to look at her, my motions slow. She's standing with her face pressed to the bars, her thin nose poking through the gap.

"Because the Thief will be the star of the show."

All eyes turn to me.

"What?" I ask. The manacles hang heavy against my wrists.

Alani focuses on a spot above my head. "The warden has asked for Mira to be the central component of today's duel, and so I will be taking Mira to the arena. Cass, your patron has been informed and has been given suitable coin for this rearrangement. Mira, let's go."

My mouth goes dry. "I'm dueling today? Before the king?" I rasp. He'll be able to see me following the rules. He'll see me playing his game, and then maybe he'll let me go. I've served my time, I've shown that I can be good and not step out of line. I've shown I can go home.

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