~Tom Riddle x Harry Potter~

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Voldemort walked up to Harry and started his 'cool' bad guy script he prolly practiced twenty times in the mirror. "Harry Potter-" but Harry cut him off "You're not yourself when you're hungry, here, have a Snickers BarTM"

Snake face looked mere scandalised, slowly approaching to take the muggle candy bar. He grabbed both ends and lifted it over his mouth, pulling so that the wrapper ripped in half, the chocolate falling in to his mouth.

Once the turd shapped and coloured sweet was fully swallowed a large exploision emitted from where the villain stood. The Death Eaters stepped back, Hogwarts students and staff kept their wands out and pointed to the mass, a few muggle borns were holding guns, but that was irelevant. The smoke cleared out and in Voldemort's place was standing:"Tom?!" Harry questionned. T'was Tom Riddle.

"Harry, will you marry me?" Everyone gasped, Draco looked close to offended, Neville was chopping up Nagini to pieces while witches and some wizards swooned over him, making enough pieces to have a BBQ party with all the wizarding world.

"Yes!" Harry cried out, tears of joy rolling down his face. Bells chimed in the back, flower petals falling from nowhere, Harry was now wearing... a wedding dress? The Death Eaters was crying, all of Hogwarts was crying, everyone was crying of joy. Exept Draco, for he lost his one true love, Harry Potter. "Life is meaningless" the ghostly pale boy said in a monotone voice before trying to Avada Kedavra himself yet failing miserably.

Tom leaned in for a kiss and when the brunette pulled away, Harry was pregnant. What was happenning?

Harry suddenly howled in pain, "The baby is coming!" The raven yelled.

Harry gave birth. It was a sight to see.

"Twins!" Tom said handing the bloodied infants to the younger boy. Where did they come out of? Noone knows. Not even Harry.

"What shall you name them?" Ron asked, looking hopeful that his best friend would name his kid after him.

"Gred and Forge" stated Harry. "Yay!" Said Fred and George Weasley, "Harold likes us better than you Ronald!" Said the twins in chorus as the younger redheaded male curled up in a ball and cried.

Once Ron opened his eyes he saw that he too, was now pregnant. Honestly I get it this is Hogwarts, shit happens, but seriously? He gave birth, "His name, is Ron" Ron stated. "As in like Ron Jr. or...?" Hermione asked, puzzled. "No. His name, is Ron."

Who was the father? Krum maybe? Only they know...

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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