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We arrive. I have butterflies in my stomach.

Nervous or excited? Definitely both.

I thank the driver, gather up my purse, open the car door and exit. I hear the wet concrete as my shoes kiss the ground. I like when it rains honestly, how beautiful is it that even the clouds aren't afraid to cry?

I understand the sky, because It cries so in the summer, just like I used to thinking of you.

I'm walking looking for your family's car. "Hurry up", you say to me. I stopped and smiled, "Oh hey I couldn't see u from back there, you know I'm blind"

"He is so handsome." I thought to myself.
I get in the car, I greet everyone. I look at you and hit your leg playingly, "How you beeen?!"
I was funny, a goofball, this was used to cover up the fact that I was overly excited and probably too nervous as well.

We drive to the store. I stay in the car while you, your mom, and stepdad go in to get items.
You walk to the register. I'm still as excited for your visits as when I was yours and you were mine.

You turn around and look at me through the store window. I'm looking at you through droplets that are places all over the car window, so beautifully spread.
You start doing something and I started mocking you, were so funny together, like the best of friends.

I saw you yesterday..Where stories live. Discover now