The Sixth Summer

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Jimin was thirteen when he decided that, yes, he did in fact have a crush on Min Yoongi. And it was thanks to the white hair.

Jimin had received a phone call from the older one week before he was due to leave for the port, and Yoongi told him that he had a surprise for him. He begged and begged for him to tell him, butYoongi refused. So the entire week he was still at home, Jimin became impatient, desperately wanting to know what Yoongi's surprise was.

Yoongi's family had arrived a few days earlier than Jimin's, for the first time in forever. Jimin didn't even bother unpacking, he just threw his stuff in his room, and took off out the back door, running down across the beach to get to the pier, where he knew Yoongi would be waiting.

Jimin's out of breath, and panting by the time he reaches the pier,and much to his dismay, Yoongi isn't anywhere in sight. He can't seem to find the lanky teenage boy he's grown up with in a sorts.Confused, he glanced around. "Hyung?" He questioned.

"Boo!" Two hands grasp each of his arms, and spun him around.


The boy standing over him didn't look like Yoongi at all, but as Jimin stared a little longer...


"Your hair! It's blonde!"

Jimin reached out to run his fingers through the blonde likes, that appeared almost white in the sunlight. Yoongi snickered. "What d-do you think?" He asked. "I f-f-finally convinced m-my mu-mu-mother to let me d-dy-dye it,"

"I love it," Jimin mumbled. He was completely stunned by how pretty it made him look. He didn't look like a boy anymore, he looked grown up almost. He looked like a teenage now, and not some lanky kid. It also gave him a bad boy kinda look, and Jimin liked it. Yoongi looked tough, and that somehow made him a lot more attractive. "Makes you look old," he teased. Yoongi gasped dramatically, holding a hand over his chest.

"N-No it doesn't," he cried. "Y-You're th-th-the old one, J-Jiminie, p-practically a-a-an old m-man now,"

"Am not! I'm only thirteen! You're fifteen Hyung, You're way older," Yoongi playfully grabbed the younger in a gentle headlock. "Hyung!" Jimin whined as the elder messed up his hair.

"J-Jimin!"  Yoongi mocked, laughing as he released him.

"I missed you," the younger mumbled again, before pulling Yoongi in for a hug. Yoongi wrapped his arms around his neck, and without thinking, kissed his forehead.

"M-Missed you t-t-to," he whispered.

"Can we get food? I'm starved,"

"Didn't you e-e-eat breakf-f-fast?" Yoongi asked. Jimin shook his head.

"Nope. Too excited."

"Jimin," Yoongi groaned. "What d-did I tell you a-ab-bout skipping breakf-f-fast?"

"Sorry, Hyung. I promise I won't do it again," He exclaimed. Yoongi rolled his eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him down the pier.

  "S-Sure it won't,"

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