Masturbation pt. 2

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The first time was awkward and embarrassing even though the only person around to see it was himself. The whole time he couldn't help but think of the weird, and uncomfortable conversation his dad had tried to have with him. "Jimin, you're at an age now when boys will..."

Jimin tried to block out his dad's words, cringing through the whole conversation. He was thankful when he could escape and hide in his room, but being left alone with his thoughts made him curious and we'll one thing led to another.

It was weird and while it felt good for a moment, Jimin had no idea what it was that he was doing, and he ended remaining hard for most of the evening, confused and frustrated that he couldn't do it.

What made it even more embarrassing was that Jimin thought that the best way to figure out how was to ask Yoongi about it, which led to another awkward conversation and Yoongi being a more stuttering mess than usual.

"W-W-Well you s-s-see..."  Yoongi had gone red in the face with embarrassment as he tries to explain to Jimin what exactly masturbation was, and what it was for. The younger was slightly horrified that of all the people he had to have asked Yoongi, the boy the was hopelessly in love with, about a sexual act, but slightly relieved as well because 1. He knew he could trust Yoongi, and because 2. Despite being embarrassed by the question, he didn't mock or make fun of him. He explained to him what it was, although he avoided making eye contact with Jimin for the remainder of the day. They were both embarrassed.

Jimin found himself trying again later, remembering what Yoongi had told him.

" you do it, Hyung?" Join had asked near the end of the conversation.

"I u-u-use my hands," Yoongi replied, red in the face.

"Yeah but... aren't there other ways?"

"Well y-yes, but you're t-t-to young for that sort of thing,"

"No I'm not! I'm only two years younger than you! Why do you get to know"

Yoongi sighed.

"You can use y-y-your f-f-fingers," he said. "Or toys..."

Yoongi stopped after noting the confusion Jimin's face. "I'll tell y-y-you wuh-wuh-when you're oh-older,"

Jimin made him promise after that.

He got better, finally figuring it out (but that involves a couple of videos he probably shouldn't have been looking at, and Yoongi would make fun of him for it if he found it). Yoongi was right, it did feel good, the only problem that Jimin found was that I'm order for it too feel good he had to imagine that Yoongi was there with him.

He wanted it to be Yoongi, and Jimin couldn't decide if that was a good thing or not. He felt embarrassed that the only way he could get off was of he imagine it was Yoongi who was touching him, and felt guilty that he was thinking of him in that way. It had to be wrong to think of your friend that way, despite his crush on him. He knew it wasn't wrong to feel the way he felt, even his mother (who he was sure had her suspicions) said that it was perfectly normal to feel that way.

So why did it feel so wrong to him?

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