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"Look at you," he murmured, kissing slowly down the younger's chest,relishing in the way his breathing became more and more shaking with each kiss. "such a mess, and I haven't even done anything yet," He stopped above the waistline of his boxers, sucking harshly on the skin, leaving several dark bruises. He couldn't stop himself from marking the younger. He looked so pretty in the moonlight, neck and chest covered in hickeys. His fingers toyed with the hem of his boxers, before he slipped his hands between the younger's thighs and spread them further apart so that he could rest comfortably between them. He shifted onto his stomach, pressing his lips to the soft skin of his inner thigh.

"Suga,"the boy whined, his own fingers tangling in his hair, and pulling his head back up to where he wanted him the most.

"What do you want Dollface?" he breathed, mouthing at his length through the fabric of his boxers. The younger let out a choked gasp. By this point he was painfully hard, and wanted nothing more than for Suga to touch him.

"You," he pleaded in a quiet voice.

"You're going to have to be a bit more specific than that baby," Suga teased. He knelt between his legs, palming him now, and applying more pressure with his hand.

"Your mouth," he whined, "W-Want your mouth," Suga chuckled.

"Alright baby," He lent up for a kiss, while hooking his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers, and yanking them down. "Dollface,"



Jimin lifted his head off the pillow, rubbing his eyes with one hand, and propping himself up with his free arm. "Huh?" he mumbled,tiredly. He blinked a couple of times before fully opening his eyes to gaze up at the boy standing next to him by the bed. For a moment,he was confused as to where he was until he remembered Suga, and that he went home with him in a drunken like state. The older boy was looking down at him with soft eyes. Jimin noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. He could make out how pale the boy was, and that he had several more tattoos that littered his chest and quite possibly his back too.

"Morning sleepy head," Suga grinned, from where he stood. His blond hair was disheveled, and he had several hickeys covering his neck. Jimin blushed.

"Sorry about your neck," he said, sheepishly. Out of habit, the elder raised a hand to his neck before shaking his head with a laugh.

"Don't be," he said, pulling a shirt on over his head. "I enjoyed it,"

Jimin buried his face into the pillow, to hide his face. He could feel Suga climb onto the bed, and straddle his back. "Why are you hiding dollface?"

"I'm shy," he mumbled into the pillow.

"I would have to argue otherwise, considering last night,"

"Drunk me is more confident," he replied.

"Ah,I see."

Jimin shifted, so that he was now lying on his back, and peered up at him with tired eyes. "What time is it?" he asked, yawning.

"It's almost noon. We slept late,"


"Tired?" Suga questioned. The younger nodded. "You're more than welcomed to stay and sleep."

"Thank you," Jimin said, sitting up. "But I think I should go. I need to find Hoseok and make sure he's a) still alive and b) in one piece," he laughed. "Knowing him he was probably super drunk last night,and I need to make sure he's okay."

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