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Please do note that some of these names do not exist and are completely made up. I didn't misspell anything here on purpose. This book is recommended for warrior cat fans, and the "warriors" here are from oldest to youngest. This series uses references from Warriors, which I do not own.

SOARIANS (Soaris for short). Population 21.

LEADER: Aeriality (black tom with amber eyes and gray patches.)

ADMIRALS: Flightew (white she-cat with green eyes and an orange tabby ear)

Astron (brown tom with blue eyes)

MEDICINIAN: Cation (long-haired calico she-cat)

VETERANS: Toothle (old tabby tom with one tooth)

Margry (pale orange she-cat)

Syri (light gray she-cat with yellow eyes)

Myphoon (blind Bengal tom)

GUARDIANS: Vorian (long-furred black she-cat with glaring amber eyes)

Furius (orange tabby tom)

Gonde (Russian Blue tom with pale blue-gray eyes)

Jumpru (Abyssinian tom)

Cobri (Dark-hued Abyssinian tom)

Fenanda (black tuxedo she-cat)

Stonerye (black tom)

Mistea (short-furred white she-cat with amber eyes)

Dew (gray tom with pale stripes and green eyes)

PRIORIQS (Queens) : Mocha (nut-brown she-cat with amber eyes.)

MATE: Cobri

Ponda (silver striped she-cat with green eyes)

MATE: Gonde

*Andor (silver-blue she-kit)

*Rodna (dark silver tom)

NATURNESIANS (Naturn for short). Population: 10

HEAD OF THE COUNCIL: Rainforex (tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes)

COUNCIL: Forest (black tom with green eyes)

Taiga (snow-white tom with dark blue eyes)

Desert (beige tom with amber eyes)

Ocean (silver-blue she-cat with light blue eyes)

Mountain (dark gray tom with gray eyes)

Savanna (pale beige she-cat with yellow eyes)


Planti (white she-kit with dark brown patches and gray/green eyes) MOTHER: Rainforest -- FATHER: Mountain

Planetion (beige tom-kit with different hues and green and amber eye) MOTHER: Rainforest -- FATHER: Desert

Jungle (light brown she-kit with slightly darker stripes, black ears, tail, and toe with yellow eyes) MOTHER: Savanna -- FATHER: Forest

SCAVENGANIANS (Scavens for short). Population: 19

LEADER: Vulturr (dark gray tom)

ADVISOR: Hyyee (light blue-gray she-cat with amber eyes)

HEIR (eldest son/daughter of the leader and advisor): Rackali (gray tom with a blue tint and amber eyes)

BATTALIORS: Whizy (old crazy black she-cat with amber eyes)

Ivikis (white tom with tabby gray and pale orange patches and dark blue eyes)

Congion (dark brown tabby tom with a black tail and paws)

Aubursh (dark orange tom with blue eyes and lighter stripes on the tail)

Frostion (white tom with black specks)

Volcano (black tom)

Ghosist (pale calico she-cat)

Mesa (dark orange she-cat

Sahara (dark beige she-cat with blue eyes and lighter furred paws)

Honeydew (orange and dark brown specked beige she-cat)

Fameon (orange tabby tom with white patches and amber eyes)

Crystia (beige-pointed siamese she-cat with an amber and green eye)

Spiriton (white she-cat)


Amazi (creamy brown she-cat with rosette-like stripes AKA jaguar spotted like stripes)

MATE: Fameon

*Gonva (brownish orange she-kit with amber eyes)

*Ovone (creamy brown tabby tom-kit with a yellow eyes)

*Dronvo (orange tom-kit)

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