Chapter Seven. "Better Run Before Midnight, Because It's Now Its Eleven."

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"And that's about it," Dew meowed, looking at his paws. He had just finished telling Aeriality about what he had learned that morning, and for the most time, the Soarian leader had been silent. He looked up at the Aeriality as the black and gray tom gazed at the sky thoughtfully.

"Hmm. And you believe this Buzzard cat?" Aeriality rumbled.

"Well. She was strange. And she did give me my sparrow..." Dew started. "I just think it's the best lead we have. A third of a prophecy? I mean, even if it isn't a third, we can still find the missing... piece or pieces."

"I suppose. Thank you for sharing this information," Aeriality mewed. "I suggest that you hang around the base for the rest of the day. Though at dusk I will ask you to organize the Supply Storage and take a shift tonight."

"Right. Of course," Dew meowed, turning away. He padded up to the pickled fence and leaped up, his paws not touching the fence. He landed with a small stumble, straightening himself soon after.

Looking up, he noticed that something was missing from the Soarian base. It looks normal, I guess. Shaking his head, he figured that maybe he was hallucinating. Though he wasn't sure how that could be possible. Am I sick? He thought to himself in alarm, fluffing out his tail fur. No, that can't be.

Dew turned his gaze over to the left and noticed that a hunched black shape was appearing to sulk underneath the glass patio table. He flicked his ears in curiosity as he started forward, but was stopped but a Russian-blue tom. He recognized tom as Gonde, who was at least a year and a half older than him.

"I wouldn't go there if I were you," Gonde warned.

"And why not?" Dew meowed.

"Stonerye's... in a mood," Gonde muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I've got nothing else to do. So I guess it's worth the risk," Dew mewed, padding forward and gently shoving the other guardian out of the way.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" Gonde yowled as Dew padded away. He shrugged the comment off and finally reached where Stonerye was. The black tom didn't seem to notice his arrival as he leaped up onto the table.

Dew padded up to Stonerye, taking a seat next to the tom. He curled his tail over his paws, glancing at the black feline. "So... Has anything happened while I was gone?" he meowed, not turning his gaze away from Stonerye.

"Yeah. But why are you asking me?" Stonerye growled, turning away even more.

"Uh. Because you looked like you were sulking?" Dew guessed.

"Oh, and let me guess. You don't know what sulking looks like." Stonerye snorted.

"Pardon me, but I do." he retorted.

"I'm not going to pardon you, sorry not sorry." the black tom grumbled.

Dew paused for a moment, his tail-tip flicking. Even though he hadn't known Stonerye for more than two days, he could already guess that the tom wasn't one to complain. And he had noticed that Stonerye was always... ecstatic around Mistea. A sulking Stonerye was probably not a good sign...

"Why are you sulking anyway?" Dew asked.

"Oh, I dunno. Maybe because you're here?" Stonerye complained.

"Ouch. Are you always this grumpy?" he meowed.

"No," Stonerye replied.

"Maybe they should make you "Mr. Grumpy Stonerye"?"

"By the stars no. Anyways. Can you just leave me alone?"

"Can. That's a suggestion. So... No. I won't." Dew pointed out.

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