Epilogue and Acknowledgements

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           Alcatri stared a the thunderstorm she had somehow caused. When she was born in the dimension of Wrathlings, it was rather normal. That is until she discovered the strange things she could do. Some she didn't even know how it worked. Currently, she could speak to Stonerye in his mind and have Dew under her control, but only for a few seconds at a time. I failed once, and Toothle... How dare he love a tribe cat? Especially from a weak tribe like the Army of Lush Meadows! No matter, I'll get revenge. Then I can take him and we can watch Fantalinc fall. Shaking the thought from her head, she turned around and padded back to the cave where she and her followers were staying.

          I'm lucky this time. Apparently, a follower clan has grown since last time. Alcatri's follower clan only consisted of Hootly, Moxx, Miam, Layner, Ahx, Dhuml, and a dozen others. As she padded into the cave, almost sliding in gracefully, she was greeted by two guards; Huvng and Sharp Ears. She nodded them a curt greeting and padded in, where she almost collided into Titanix. Hissing angrily, Alcatri glared at her sister. Titanix only stared at her coolly.

         "Dear sisssster. How are your reportssss? The Congo Organization cannot stop ussss!" Alcatri hissed. Titanix nodded and beckoned for her to follow her. The two of them padded deeper into the cave, which was human-lit by torches.

        "There's something I want to show you. And no, we have not killed their leader, Sea-Blue yet. I hear they're trying to get the Scavens and Naturns on their side, but how... I don't know yet," Titanix replied coolly. Alcatri nodded and followed her normal sister. She was the one with powers! Not Titanix. When I win this battle, I'll kill her and the followers!

          Alcatri shook the thought away and nodded slowly as Titanix filled her in on what had happened. They arrived at a strange stone gateway. She watched as her littermate placed a paw on the triangular symbol with a cat eye symbol in the middle. The doors opened, dust filling the cave for a brief moment before strangely clearing. The two of them padded inside. It was completely dark, but she could see in the dark due to her strange and powerful night vision.

         Light filtered into the room when a torch strangely lit up. Alcatri stepped forward, and she could hear Titanix follow her. Looking at her littermate, she noticed that Titanix was carefully holding a small torch. She nodded at Alcatri and awkwardly placed it in a slot near the wall.

          Turning her gaze back to the wall in front of Alcatri, she noticed that there were carvings. Claw marks were scored against the walls, but some of them were carefully placed. "What is this?" Alcatri meowed cautiously, taking a step back. Titanix only nodded to her encouragingly.

        "History. And trust me, history will be essential," Titanix replied.

        "Why do I need to hear history? I know so much already! I was born before the New Colonies were formed!" Alcatri spat back. Titanix only looked at her calmly, but she narrowed her eyes.

        "Perhaps. But you don't know everything. Some strange and wizened cat scratched these claw marks here. It's in a language that apparently came from Wrathlings," Titanix mewed. "It was before cats lost their ability to read in Throebix, and I recall learning a bit. I can translate it, now listen!"

         Alcatri nodded reluctantly and took a step forward as Titanix began to look at the inscriptions carefully. "It's just weird, knowing that once animals like cats in Throebix could read once. I don't recall it," Alcatri mewed thoughtfully.

       "Of course it is. But you were sent to a different place, away from mother and father. Do you even remember what home was like?" Titanix meowed.

        "Somewhat. It was dark, with glowing plants to provide light. Prey and food weren't ample or scarce, and occasionally there would be a fake sun, which would form once a year," Alcatri recalled. Titanix nodded.

        "Correct. Okay, this is what I have from the inscription," Titanix murmured. "Every civilization that starts... Gondot Orb... destroy the people... careful... warning... that's all I have, sorry."

         "It's alright. Any new information is welcome," Alcatri reassured her littermate. Titanix nodded and padded away, not looking back.

          "I'll leave you alone now," she mewed before she was out of earshot. Alcatri continued to stare at the wall in curiosity. She reached out a paw and brushed the wall gently, removing a trail of dust. She heard a rumbling noise and stepped back. Dust began to sweep through, and she coughed harshly. When it faded within a few moments, she noticed that a map was standing in front of her. Alcatri padded up and stared at it. She recognized Fantalinc and Wrathlings almost immediately. Realization struck her, and she thought to herself, of course. It's a map of all of the six realms. But there was something else on the map. It was a strange blob and had a green and blue circle above it as if it magnifying inside of it. Is that the Universe? What's that green and blue circle, though? Shaking her head, she couldn't believe the size of the map. It was at least four tail-lengths by twelve tail-lengths.

         This will be useful. Oh, yes it will. Dew and Stonerye will have a soft spot for me because of the personality I once showed them, but it'll be a shame that they'll die sooner or later. That was only a diversion, little do they know... And I will win, this time. And I will win my own game.

        Thank you for reading this book!

        So I originally had thought of Small Cats because I remembered doodling about three cats, which were Mistea, Stonerye, and of course our lovely Dew. It was supposed to be that Dew was the fluffy one, Mistea and Stonerye both short-hairs. But I guess that changed XD

         I am also aware that some of these chapters are messily edited. I AM AWARE. Okay? Okay. So I will be doing a quick last sweep of editing that will be finished before August 12 (hopefully). Please give me constructive criticism (not criticism please) or suggestions! The next book is called Wild Chase! And if you're going to make a rude remark about my DOI, that wouldn't be fair to me. DOI is an OLD series, and maybe one day I might return and the actual book, or aftermath. If you're wondering if DOI is in a realm, yes it is; it was originally in the Orean one, but I changed it to Throebix (the place where idk thrown away ideas or old ones???).

           Now, let's get back on track. Some other stories I could've written were Freelands, Wasteworld (Wrathlings), Ancientry, Above the Stone, Density, A Desert's Cure, Complication In One Place, and The Legend of EverClan.

           No, I'm not going to give you details of it unless you ask me personally (message). If you want a story idea on the spot, please also message me, as I am somewhat capable of doing it, though it's easier for animals (not including humans).

          NOW for the thank u's. Thank you @wishbright for supporting me since my first book of Dawn of IslandClan! Your support has kept me going when I would've stopped for a long time or forever. ;3

         I really hoped that you enjoyed the story! Next book is called Wild Chase, and before summer ends for me I'll publish a couple of chapters in the next week! Hope you enjoyed the story, and if you have any questions please ask me on my inbox or here! <3

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