The Fib

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All I could think about at that very moment was I'm screwed.
Kyle grabs my shirt ,pushes me against the wall and wounds up his fist.
This is it. The death of Levi Mitchelson. Good bye cruel world, and goodbye to the life that I never asked for.
"Mr.Dean! You better put Mr. Michelson down this instant!"
The voice of my saviour shouted. I could hear the heavenly clicks of her heels against the tile as she rescues me from deaths grip. Mrs. Ivory is my hero.
"Now what is going on here!?"
We all looked at her with blank expressions.What are we supposed to say? If we tell her the truth then goodbye to the only place that was worth staying at.
I could only imagine what she see's right now. 1 bloody nosed Kyle pinning 1 tear stained Levi to the wall with 1 Dylan gasping for air on the stone cold tiles. We'd have to make up one hell of a fib to get ourselves out of this one.
"I'm waiting..."
Dylan steps up to the plate.
"Well you see Mrs. Ivory it all started with Levi being his lovable and clumsy self. He got up to grab a cup of water and spilled it all over the floor. Him being the good boy he is tries to clean it up but slips and falls in the process and hits his head on the toilet, hense the tears. I was fast asleep when I heard the loud thud and went to go investigate. I open the door to find poor Levi on the floor crying. As I try and help him up the slippery floor gets the best of me and I end up falling and hitting my wind pipe on the same toilet. Everyone knows how Kyle hates loud noises so when we fell it woke him up too. He walks to the bathroom to discover both me and Levi on the floor. Being the goof ball Kyle his he laughs at our misfortune. A couple of seconds later kyle is downed by the water and his face slams against the same toilet. What you walked in on was kyle helping us up. So Mrs. Ivory if their is one thing you must get from this story is that we are all victims to the villainous toilet."
Only Dylan would be able to come up with a lie like this. Thank God we have him.
"Is this true gentleman?"
We all nod our heads in agreement.
"Okay. Clean this mess up and be careful when you do."
That was way too close.
When she closes the door Kyle gives me the death glare.
"Mess with me again, the next time I'll be the only one coming out of this bathroom." He slams the door behind him as he leaves.
"Wow I can't believe that all happened and it's still morning." I chuckled.
"What else is on the agenda for today O great master of lies Dylan."
"Well my apprentice Levi, we must now conquer the dungeon that is school."

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