Chapter 4

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I quickly run to get my bike so I can keep up with them. As I start my bike I see the Camaro pull up in front of me and waiting patiently for me to get ready. Once I got my bike started I nodded my head at the Camaro letting it know I was ready. As the Camaro took off I couldn't help but remember everything that occurred today. 

Not to far into the drive I hear a ringing sound from the Bluetooth in my helmet, I look at my phone and see it's my mom. I answer the call, "Hi mom." I greet her trying to mask my nervousness. "Where are you?" She asks with worry. "I am with Sam and Mikaela, I'll be home later, I love you. Please don't worry to much, if I get into any trouble, I can defend myself, I learned from the best." I tell her with a smirk on my face. "That's right, I love you too, be safe." She tells me before the line goes dead.

A little bit later the car pulls over and everyone gets out of the car. "What did you do?" I ask pulling my helmet off of my head to look at them. "Mikaela made a comment on how the car is crappy. That's $4,000 that just drove off." Sam replies looking in the direction the car took off in.

Not to long after the little incident of the car driving off, I hear a engine reeve, I look in that direction and see a 2006 Camaro pull up next to us. A smile spreads on my face and I put my helmet back on ready to go. The car drives off and I follow not to far behind. I look up in the sky and see what looks like asteroids.

After a few minutes of driving we pull up into a restricted complex, not sure why though. The Camaro just drives right through it, I shake my head and keep following the robot. We come to a stop I pull off my helmet and look up as the asteroids fly over our heads. I put my stand down and run in the direction of the closest asteroid with Sam and Mikaela not far behind me. When we reach a crash sight, I see it's not a asteroid, "It looks like a pod of some kind." I say looking at it with fascination. Then the pod starts to move. A skinny looking robot emerges and runs in the opposite direction of us. "Lets get back to the car." I recommend already running in that direction. I hear 2 sets of feet running behind me. When we get back to the car the Camaro takes off, I quickly put my helmet on then speed up to catch up to them.


After a few more minutes of driving we come across another restricted complex for an unknown reason. When we come to a stop, I slowly get off of my motorcycle and walk up to the Camaro. Through the fog I can see headlights coming in our direction. Sam and Mikaela start to get out of the car looking in the same direction as I am. When the headlight come through the fog I see a custom painted red/orange flame painted Peterbilt 379. I hear other cars behind us along with a quick siren from a ambulance vehicle. As the truck comes to a stop, it lets out some puffs of air, the truck stops a few inches in front of us. After what happened today, I am not afraid of anything.

The truck starts to transform along with all the other vehicle's, though since the truck is bigger, it makes since it would take longer for it to transform. Once the robot was finished transforming it knelt down a few inches in front of us looking between all of us. He then locks eyes with Sam "Are you Samuel James Witwickey, descendent of Archibald Witwickey?" He asks with a deep and commanding voice, "They know your name." Mikaela whispers looking up at the blue and red robot. "Yea...." Sam replies with hesitation.

"My name is Optimus Prime, we are autonomous robotic organism's from the planet called Cybertron." He informs us looking between all of us, before locking eye's with me, I give him a look that says 'I am not afraid of you.' "But you can call us Auto-bots for short." The yellowish green robot continues. "Auto-bots..." Sam repeats still looking at Optimus. "What's cracking lil' bitches?" The small robot asks, "My first lieutenant, designation, Jazz." Optimus informs us while Jazz does some flips. 

"This looks like a cool place to kick it." Jaz states sitting on a car. "How did he learn to talk like that?" I ask looking at Optimus, "We've learned earth languages through the world wide web." He replies locking eyes with me again. "My weapons specialist, Ironhide." Optimus introduces us to a black and silver robot with a lot of weapons on his body.

"You feeling lucky punks?" Iron hide asks showing us what looks like guns around his hands. I look at him with an intrigued look. "Easy Ironhide." Optimus tells him with a warning tone. "I'm just kidding, I just wanted to show them my cannons." Ironhide states looking between his hands. "Our medical Officer, Ratchet." Optimus points to the Yellowish green auto-bot from before. (Not gonna do his reply, because, it is far to weird.) "

"You already know your guardian Bumblebee." Optimus points to the Camaro. Bee does some boxing punches, "Check on the right, yup second to none." Bee states through the radio. "So your my guardian huh?" Sam asks looking at Bee. He gives Sam a nod and a whirl in agreement. Ratchet shoots a laser at Bee, "His vocal processors were damaged in battle, i'm still working on it." Ratchet informs us, while looking at his arm for what I can assume is data. "Why are you here?" Mikaela and I ask at the same time looking up at Optimus.

"We are here looking for the All-Spark, and we must find it before Megatron." Optimus replies looking between Mikaela and me. "Mega... what?" I ask with a confused look. Optimus brings one of his digits to his right temple, a laser comes from his eyes and destroys the ground around us. I move away from the cracks in the ground slowly. "Our planet was once a powerful empire, peaceful and just. Until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied him were destroyed. Our war finally consumed our planet, and the All-spark was lost to the stars. Megatron followed it to Earth, Captain Witwickey found him." Optimus finishes explaining. "My grandfather." Sam states with a smirk on his face.

"It was an accident, that intertwined our fates. Megatron crash landed, before he could retrieve the cube. He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the cube location on earth, were imprinted on his glasses." Optimus finishes looking between the 3 of us. "How did you know about the glasses?" Sam asks rubbing his fingers together looking at Optimus. "eBay." Optimus replies looking at Sam. "If the Decepticons find the all-spark, they'll use its power to transform earths machines, and create a new army." Ratchet explains, "And the human race will be extinguished. Sam Witwickey, you hold the key to earth's survival." Optimus continues with a serious tone, looking directly at Sam.

"Please, please tell me you have the glasses." I beg Sam, because I know he has been trying to sell his grandfathers stuff for money for the car.

A.n: I am a lady of my word! Here is another chapter like I promised earlier today, so while writing this chapter I was thinking, why not spit it into sections based off of the movie, and if it's short, then combine a section into that chapter. I love you guys and I will see you soon!


More than meets the eye (Optimus Prime x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now