Chapter 8

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After a few minutes of driving we are surrounded by sand. "There's Optimus." Sam tells us pointing at the red and blue truck, and a smile spreads on my face. 'I missed him.' I think to myself. I watch as the Auto-bots make a U-turn to drive in our direction. A peaceful sound of engines running keeps my nerves down, that is until we see a familiar cop car driving in our direction. The tan truck pushes people aside, and uses it's claw to flip peoples cars over to get them out of the way. "Decepticons." I whisper to Sam and Mikaela. The tan truck starts to transform and skid it's way to our position. Thankfully, Optimus transformed and stopped him from getting closer to us. 'Be careful.' I think to myself watching Optimus take on that thing on his own. I watch as Optimus and the Decepticon fall off of the bridge and onto the lower level. 


Thankfully we made it to the city with no other issues. I look around and I see people watching us with weird looks. I look up and see a Jet flying over us, then makes a U-turn towards us. "It's Starscream." Ironhide informs us watching said Jet very carefully. Ironhide and Bee run over to a truck and lift it off of the ground. "Back up!" Ironhide warns us, "No no no MOVE!" Lennox orders as a missile flies at the truck. It make direct contact and sends everyone flying. I slowly start to sit up and look around me. "Is everyone ok?" I ask with worry. "Let's clear the area." I suggest as I run with some military officers. 

"What the hell was that?!" "What are you talking about?" "What do you mean 'what am I talking about?' they shot at us!" Lennox explains to Epps, "That was not one of your own, that was a Decepticon." I tell him kneeling to his level. As Epps contacts some copters, missiles were being shot at us. I peak over the mound we are behind and see a tank making it's way over to us. "We gotta move lets go." I tell the both of them running in the opposite direction of the tank. 

I look to my right and see Ironhide and Jazz driving in the direction of the Decepticon. 'They got this.' I think to myself as I continue to run in the same direction. The tree of us turn on our heals and see Megatron blasting the Auto-bots. "Fall back, Lets go!" I tell everyone with determined eyes. We all split up to get people to safety.

'Sir that tank thing is getting back up." One of Lennox's men informs him, "These things just don't die." He admits. "We gotta find Sam." I tell him running in the last place I saw him. 

Not to far away we find him and Mikaela wraping Bee to a truck. "Sam!" Lennox and I call at the same time. "Where's the cube?" He asks "Right there." Sam points to the spot he put the cube. Lennox and I run a few meters away to scower the perimeter. "We need to get the Cube out of here." I tell Lennox looking for someway we can do just that. "I know what to do." He tells me before running back over to Sam. "I cant leave my guys back there, so take this flare. There is a tall white building with statues on it, go to the roof. Set the flare, signal the chopper-" "I cant do this-" "Listen to me, your a soldier now. I need you to take this cube, get it into military hands, while we hold them off. There are a lot of people that are going to die." He tells Sam "You need to get out of here." "I'm not going anywhere till I get Bumblebee somewhere safe." Mikaela protests. "I'm not going anywhere either, not while I know I can help in some way. A gun would be a nice start." I tell Lennox with a smirk.

"Fine, lets go." He replies tossing me the gun he has and runs to help the anyone. "Decepticons attack." Megatron orders. "Let's give them hell." I tell Lennox with a semi angry face. We cover Mikaela as she straps Bee to the truck. "Mikaela get out of here!" I tell her shooting at a helicopter Decepticon. "I'm going I'm going!" She tells me as she puts on the hook. "Get out of here now!" Lennox orders her shooting the same Decepticon.

In the distance I hear an engine coming our way, I look in the direction and see Optimus driving through the ally way and transforming. "Megatron." He calls as he finishes transforming. "Prime!" Tron replies throwing pieces of Jazz to the side, he flies down towards Optimus and he catches him, causing Tron to spin out of control. "Eyes in front!" Lennox brings me back to reality.

More than meets the eye (Optimus Prime x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now