Chapter 5

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The autobots turned into there car modes, while I got on my motorcycle and followed behind Optimus. I decided to call my mom to let her know where I was going, "Hey mom." I greet with a small smile, "Hi honey, you on your way home?" She asked sounding pretty tired. "No, I thought I would go with Sam to say hello to his folks, considering I haven't seen them in a while." I tell her looking both ways before following behind Optimus. "Ok, tell them I said hello, I love you." She says before the line goes dead. I let out a sigh, 'she's annoyed.' I think to myself.

We pull up to Sam's house and I turn off my bike and take off my helmet and put it on the handle and walk up to Bee. "I need you two to stay here, you got to stay here and watch them, 5 minutes ok?" Sam tells us before running to his house. I lean against Bee looking at the hedge. "I hope he has those glasses." I tell Mikaela still looking at the hedge. "Me too." She replies sitting next to me. I hear the sound of gears shifting, I look over to the direction of the sound and see Optimus starting to transform. 

"Optimus what are you doing?" I whisper yell to him. "We need those glasses, Y/n." Optimus explains to me walking over the hedge. "I understand that, but you need to give him time." I continue to whisper to him trying to get him to turn back into a truck. "Sleep well handsome man." Sam says to his father before running over to where I was. "What are you doing, what are you doing? Watch the path, watch the path!" Sam tries to warn Optimus of the fountain, "Oops, sorry my bad." Optimus apologizes taking a step back. 

"Optimus, can we please, please give him 5 minutes to find the glasses?" I ask him starting to lose my patients, then Mojo comes over to Ironhides foot and takes a leak on it. I try to hold back on laughing, "Mojo, Mojo, Off the robot, god." Sam says looking at Mojo then runs over to where Mojo is before Ironhide stepped on him. "Easy this is Mojo. He is a friend of mine, put the guns away, please put the guns away." Sam begs trying to protect Mojo. "You have a rodent infestation, shall I terminate?" Ironhide questions looking at Mojo with a sinister look. "He is my pet, he's a chihuahua, we love chihuahua's." Sam tries to convince him not to hurt his dog. "He's leaked lubricants all over my foot!" Ironhide explains bringing his guns closer to Sam and hic dog. "Bad Mojo." "Bad Mojo!" Ironhide repeats putting his cannons away.

"Watch the lawn, Watch the lawn!" Sam tells the Auto-bots while walking between Optimus' legs. "Just hurry." Optimus commands Sam with inpatient's. "Auto-bots recon." He tells the others while walking around the house. "You know you could give him some patients. It might help him look." I tell Optimus with crossed arms lookin up at him, "it's important that we get those glasses, we can't waist anymore time." Optimus tells me lowering his hand down to my level, I look up at him with a raise eye-brow, but I hop on anyway. "Help him find the glasses." Optimus informs me, bringing me to Sam's window. "Time is short." Optimus tells both me and Sam, "They really, really need those glasses Sam." I explain to him hopping off of Optimus' hand and into Sam's room.

"Please hurry." Optimus begs looking into Sam's room. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to help obviously." I reply walking to one of the shelves in the corner of Sam's room. "No, no, ok its definitely gone." Sam tells me walking behind the pool table. "Wait, Sam what do you mean gone?" I ask walking up to him with wide eye's. "They were in a bag, no, a backpack, and now I cant find it anywhere." Sam says looking everywhere in his room from where he is standing. "They are not going to be happy if we go to them empty handed Sam." I tell him looking around even harder for the bag. When I walk to the window my eye's widen. "No, no no no no no this isn't hiding! This is my backyard, not a truck stop!" Sam expresses with his hands behind his head.

Sam and I continue to look till I hear faint metallic footsteps, "Sam, he's back." I tell him walking over to the window. "Those are my mom's flowers..." Sam gestures to the ground Optimus is standing on, "Ok listen, if my parents come out here they are going to flip, ok? My mother's got a temper." Sam tries to reason with him. "We must have the glasses." Optimus explains with a tinny bit of annoyance. "I know you need the glasses, I've been looking everywhere but they aren't here." Sam explains gesturing to his room. Optimus pinches the bridge of his nose. 

"Keep searching." He tells us, then an idea pops in my head. "Optimus, can you give Mikaela a boost up here so we can look faster for the glasses?" I ask tilting my head to the side with a curious expression, he gives me a nod in response, thankfully Mikaela was next to Optimus so she was up here in no time. "Please give us 5 minutes." I beg Optimus with a serious look on my face. "Sam stresses out very easily, we just need you to be quiet for 5 minutes." I explain to him, "Calm down, calm down. Auto-bots, fall back." Optimus commands, standing up off of the ground. "Thank you." I let out a sigh of relief then walk back in to help Sam and Mikaela.

A few seconds after I start to help Mikaela and Sam the ground starts to shack. "Sam?" I hear Sam's dad call for him. "Mikaela, you need to hide." I tell her with a nervous look. "Ratchet point the light." Optimus tells the medic, "Come on hurry." Ironhide begs, "You have to turn off the lights, right now." I tell him with a stern look. "Please, you have to turn them off." I tell them again. "Sam why is the door locked, you know the rules. No doors locked in my house." His dad explains to him on the other side of the door. "You know he'll start counting." 

"5..... 4....." "Sam just open the door." "3.... 2..... stand back..." "Hi guy's, what's with the bat?" Sam questions looking between the two of them. "Who are you talking to?" Ron asks with the bat behind his back, "Oh, just Y/n." He replies opening the door so they could see me. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Witwickey." I greet with a sheepish smile. (Trying to come up with a little alternative than the normal family conversation between the Witwickey family.) "Hi dearie, it's good to see you." Judy replies with a small smile. "How are things at home?" Ron asks leaning against the bat, "It's good, my mom got home yesterday." I reply with a smile. "Sorry to change the subject, but what was that light?" Ron asks walking around the room. 

"What light? You have two lights in your hands." I tell them trying to keep them from finding the others. "I don't know what it was, but we saw it." Ron says walking into the bathroom. I look behind Ron and see Optimus peek inside before whipping around trying not to get caught. A second after Optimus got away, something causes the house to shake, 'These guys are going to be the death of me.' I think to myself keeping a normal expression. I sneak my way to Sam's other window and see the Auto-bots in obvious hiding spots. 

"Judy you better call the city, we have a blown transformer. Power poles sparking all over the place. That's a waist, trashed, gone." Ron tells Judy walking back into the main room. "You guys need to try to not barge in when you think something is wrong." Sam explains to his parents. "Hi, i'm Mikaela, im a friend of Sam's and Y/n." She introduces herself. "Gosh your gorgeous." Judy complements looking between me Ron and Sam.

"I'm sorry you had to hear us argue Mikaela. I'm gonna head home see you guys later." I apologize walking out of the room, I walk into the back yard and see the auto-bots kneeling down out of view of the parents. "More human's are coming, we have to go." Ratchet tells everyone, "Let's roll out." Optimus orders the autobots. "What about the glasses?" I ask with confusion. "We can not risk being seen, so until these humans leave, we will go into hiding." Optimus tells me knelling down to my level and looking me in the eyes. "I understand, and what would you like me to do?" I ask with curiosity, "I want you, to stay in contact with Sam so we can know it is safe for us to keep looking." Optimus informs me with a soft expression. 

"Understood." I reply with a smirk on my face. "Auto-bot's lay low till we can retrieve the glasses safely." He orders before turning into his truck form. I receive a text from Ron, he is like my second dad. "Optimus, they got them. Sam probably has the glasses with him." I tell him putting my phone case on the mount and putting my helmet on. Optimus reeves his engine and starts to pull out of the driveway.

'Hang on Sam, I'm coming.' 

A.n: What's this? A 3rd chapter today? That's right, thought i would continue to make it up to you guys and upload another chapter today. Hope you giys enjoy, let me know your thoughts in the comments I would love to hear them! This will be the last chapter for the night, I love you guys and I will see you guys soon!


More than meets the eye (Optimus Prime x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now