Chapter 6

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We have been driving for a few minutes now, I was starting to get a little bit worried. As we came across a bridge I saw familiar black vans, "That's them." I tell Optimus looking over the bridge and make a hard U-turn to find a safe way off of the hill. Optimus on the other hand drove to the edge and transformed and ran up to them. I pull up a little behind Optimus as the car collided with Primes leg, and I hear everyone on the inside freaking out as Prime stuck his fingers through the roof of the car and lifting it off of the ground.

The roof soon gives in and broke off of the car, everyone looks up and sees Optimus in front of them throwing the roof off to the side. "You a-holes are in trouble now." Sam states looking between the two men in front of him. "Gentle men, I want to introduce you to my friends, Y/n and Optimus Prime." Sam tells them looking between me and Prime. I walk up to the head of the car and look at the Latino man with a pissed off look. "Taking them into custody without a reason, was a terrible mistake." I inform him with anger in my eyes, in a few seconds some agents start to come out of the vehicals and point guns between me and Prime.

"Auto-bots, relieve them of their weapons." Prime orders backing away from the car slowly. The Latino tries to get them to calm down as they point their cannons at them trying to intimidate them. Prime kneels down to his level and looks him in the eyes, "Hi there..." Latino greats with a nervous smile on his face. "You don't seem afraid, are you not surprised to see us?" He asks Latino exchanging glances between the two men in the front. "Look, there are, seven protocol's, ok? I am not authorized to communicate with you other than to tell you I cant communicate with you." Latino informs Prime trying to get out of the situation. "Get out of the car." I order the people within the car with an angry tone, mostly to Latino. 

"Now!" Prime orders backing me up, I walk over to Sam and Mikaela to help them get the cuffs off. Latino acts like a high school kid and keeps saying 'Im getting out, see im getting out' all that stuff. "You guys ok?" I ask engulfing the both of them into a hug, "Took you long enough, thank you though." Sam states with a smirk on his face. "Yea well, we had to find you guys blindly seeing as though we didn't see where you drove off to." I reply walking back over to where Prime is. "What is sector seven?" Sam asks getting up in his face "I am the one that asks questions around here, not you young man!" Latino states with irritation in his voice. "How do you know about them?" I ask walking in between Sam and Miakela.

"I am not at liberty to discus this, hey you touch me that is a federal offence." He tells Sam as he looks through his pocket. "'Do what you want and get away with it badge' right?" Sam asks walking away from Simmons. "where is sector seven?" I ask walking up into Simmons face. "Wouldn't you like to know." Simmons states acting like he has no clue, Bee walks up to him and starts to pee on him. I bit my lips to hold back my laughter. "Bumblebee, stop lubricating on the man." Optimus orders "Get that thing to stop huh?" Simmons orders as Bee stops. 

We get all the agents into a line and start to handcuff them, "Alright tough guy take it off." Mikaela orders walking in front of Simmons. "What are you talking about?" Simmons asks out of confusion. "Your clothes all of it, off." Mikaela orders again with annoyance in her voice. "For what?" Simmons asks again with the same confusion, "For threatening my dad." She replies looking him in the eyes. "This is going to be interesting." I whisper to myself as I make sure all the handcuffs are locked. "Little lady, this is the beginning, of the end, of your life." Simmons states taking his shirt off leaving his tank top on. "Your a criminal, face facts it in you gene pool." Simmons tells her while taking off his pants. 

"Now get behind the pole." Mikaela orders walking behind him with handcuffs and cuffing him to the pole. "This is a felony what your doing here." The semi bald guy states. "I will hunt you down. With no remorse" Simmons tells Sam as he walks way and the bald guy repeats what Simmons says. As we walk to the Auto-bots I hear the sound of propellers. "Optimus in coming." Ironhide warns him as he sends a plasma ray on the ground towards the cars. the ray causes the cars to swerve out of control and almost collide with each other.

"Roll out!" He orders the Bots as they start to transform. I stare at the on coming copters with wide eyes, 'Up you get." Prime orders bringing me out of my trance with his hand on the ground, I quickly hop onto his hand and help Sam and Mikaela onto it. He then brings us to his shoulder and runs in the opposite direction trying to stay out of sight. Prime runs into the city to try and shake them off and watches out for cars that are driving under his feet. He then finds a ally way and runs into it and keeps running till we reach a bridge. He hops up and puts his legs on the other side to keep himself from falling.

Copters fly under us and I start to breath faster. "Easy you three." Optimus tells us in a calm voice, it help me out a little but not a whole lot. Mikaela and Sam lose their footing and start to dangle from Primes head. I quickly get to them and hold onto Sam's hand to try and pull them up. "Don't let us go Y/n! Please!" Mikaela begs with some tears forming in her eyes. " I cant hold much longer!" I inform her starting to slip off of one of Primes pipes. My hand finally gives out and we slip. "Hold on!" Prime expels trying to catch us with his foot, which Sam hits head on, but we miss his foot and I stare up at him with wide eyes till I feel metallic hand wrap around my waist. 

"Thanks Bee." I thank him with a grateful smile till I see a helicopter flying out way. "Hey, Stop! Leave him alone!" I tell them with a worried and angry look at the same time. Be runs in front of us to protect us from the copters. "No! Stop!" Sam pleads "Your cowards for attacking something that isn't even fighting back!" I state to them as they bring Bee to his knees. Cars pull up to us and agents point guns at us. "Get down to the ground." One of the agents orders, I do as I am told not having the  energy to argue or fight them.

 Sam pushes the man holding him to the ground back and runs to help Bee. "Sam Stop! Don't be stupid!" I warn Sam with a pissed expression. He manages to help Bee for a second, but was brought back to the ground and to the cars. The agents holding me and Mikaela bring us to a car and I see Simmons there with a smirk on his face. "Happy to see me again?" He asks, I just kelpt my pissed of expression and got in the car. The cars and copters start to head out, and I just stare at the floor thinking about so many things. 

'These guys are going to pay.'

A.n: Here we go guys, a newly rewritten chapter 6. It didn't take to long so I hope you guys enjoy!


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