slumptacion~Baby Jah

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Any requests or prompts for the next one shot??

Daddy- Stoke
Jah- 3 year old headspace

Stokeley's pov:

Today just wasn't my day. I felt myself getting mad at the smallest things. Just even when Jah talked too much I would snap at him. I just need to cool down before I do something I regret.

" Daddy I want to go to the park," Jah whines.

" no baby not today," I answer.

" pleaseeee," Jah pleads causing me to become slightly irritated.

" I said no now leave," I snapped harshly at him. He immediately frowned and turned to head up to his room. I felt kinda bad but I'm just under a lot of stress. I still have to finish my presentation for work that's due tomorrow. I know that gives me no excuse to snap at him though.

Jahseh's pov:

I just wanted to hang out with him. Is that too much to ask for. I feel like he never wants to be around me anymore. Every time I try and get his attention he just waves me off.

I cried silently while I was curled up in my bed. What was wrong with me? Am I too needy? Too ugly? What is it?

I just wanted my daddy back.


The whole day I spent up in my room and not one time did he come and check up on me. Maybe I should just go. He obviously doesn't want me here. I'm just a waste of space.

I start packing up all my favorite toys and stuffies and then everything else that was necessary. I quickly wrote a note for Stoke before heading down stairs.

I walked right passed his office which he was currently in but he didn't even notice me. So I kept going until I reached the front door.

Stokeley's pov:

I decide that I should probably go check on Jah since I haven't seen him all day and I need to apologize to him.

When I leave my office though I spot Jahseh at the front door. He had all of his stuff with him too, which lead me to question everything further.

" Jah what are you doing?" I ask curiously.

" I thought since you didn't need me anymore that I would just leave," Jah informs, sending straight guilt to fill up inside of me.

I rush over to him and pick up his small and frail body.

" Jah I would never want you to go. I've just been under a lot of stress and I know that's no excuse but baby that doesn't mean I don't want you. Please don't ever think that I don't care about you again." I inform him truthfully while lightly kissing his soft cheeks.

His eyes were a tad teary which only made me feel guiltier. I wanted to cheer him up and I think the only way I could was by spending the rest of my time with him. Work can wait cause right now Jah needs me.

" how about we watch a movie?" I suggest to him.

" will you watch it with me?" Jah asks. Have I really not been paying this much attention to him.

" of course I will I'm not going make you watch alone silly," I chuckle slightly.


The rest of the night went pretty well as Jah soon forgave me and I let him pick out his favorite movie.

So this chapter was a little rushed and didn't have too much going on so I'll make future ones a lot better

Please request who u want in the next chapter and give me a prompt?

But what do u think so far?

Do you like the idea?

Should I continue?

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