Ybnk~ trouble 1

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Nick: headspace of 4 year old
Taymor: Daddy

Taymor's pov:

I promised Nick that I would take him to work with me sometime and that just happened to be today. I'm a little worried seeing as he is in headspace right now. I don't know how I'm going to be able to focus. I work as a receptionist at a paper company and I know it's definitely not going to be fun for Nick. He's probably going to be bored out of his mind but he wanted to come.

" Nick you ready?" I ask him.

" yes d..daddy," Nick slightly slurs as he takes his last bite of cereal. I grab his hand and we head to the car.


We finally arrive and I decide to inform Nick of some basic rules before we go in.

" okay so rule number 1 don't ever leave daddy. Rule number 2 do what daddy says without arguing. Rule number 3 no complaining. Are we clear?" I question him in a serious tone.

" yes daddy can we go now?" He eagerly asks. I don't know why he's so excited because there's nothing interesting about what I do.

I grab onto Nicks hand as we walk inside. His eyes light up at seeing all the cubicles.

" there's so many," Nick whispers to himself. I chuckle at his childishness.

" alright silly you ready to see where I work?" I ask him. He nods his head eagerly.

Soon enough we reach my office. Mine is separated from everyone else's because I just got a promotion which allowed me to have my own office. It was quite large with a long wooden modern styled desk. The wall behind the desk was completely all glass.

I shut the door behind us so it was now only Nick and I.

" this is all yours daddy?" Nick asks with widened eyes.

" yes baby it is," I answer him.

" it's so big," Nick comments.

" yeah but I gotta get to work so here play some games on my phone or something," I suggest to him.

" but daddy I want to help you work," Nick pleads. I chuckle at his offer.

" and how you gonna do that?" I slightly tease him.

His expression is then taken over by a questioning look before he answers with " I don't know,"

" ok well just play some games while I work," I re inform him. Nick finally gives in. Hopefully that will keep him entertained for a while.

10 minutes later.

" daddy I'm bored," Nick whines.

I sigh before suggesting " watch some Netflix or something."

" but I've already watched everything," he continues to complain.

" I know there's something you haven't seen," I test him.

" well yeah but nothing I like," He answers.

" well try watching something new or find something on you tube," I suggest to him.

" no daddy I don't want to," he continues to whine.

" well your going to have to because we're not leaving here for a long time," I inform him only to here him whine more. I knew this was a bad idea to take him.

Soon enough he quieted down and found something to do. However it didn't last very long because the next thing I knew he was getting up out of his seat and coming towards me.

" daddy I need to go to the bathroom," Nick informs me.

" ok fine but wait a minute because I need to finish up something real quick," I inform him.

" I can go by myself," Nick complains.

" well you don't know where it is do you?" I question him causing him to pout.


Soon enough we were headed to the bathroom. I really need to get back to work though but it's my fault for bringing Nick.

" alright it's right there be quick," I inform him. He gives me a slight nod before going inside.

After about 5 minutes I start to wonder what's taking him so long. It's a one room type of bathroom. So other people are waiting on him to get out.

" Nick hurry up," I whisper/ yell to him. I can hear the water running and soon enough he's walking out.

" what took you so long?" I question him.

" I'm not feeling good," He answers giving me a slight pout.

" what's wrong?" I ask as we head back to my office.

" my tummy," He answers once we reach the office.

" well go lie down and maybe that will help," I suggest.

" I want to go home," Nick starts whining again.

" well we can't," I firmly state.

" I wanna go home!!" Nick says a little louder this time.

" Nick please stop," I slightly beg of him.

" no I wanna go home, I wanna go home!!" He continues to whine.

" stop it now," I command in a stern voice making him immediately stop and just glare at me.

" we're not going home so sit over there and be quiet," I order of him.

" if you say or do one more thing your getting punished," I inform him seriously making sure he completely understands.

His eyes meet mine before I see a slight smirk appear across his features.

" don't test me," I sternly tell him.

He must think I'm joking because the next thing I knew he was walking out of my office with that same smirk.

Oh he wanna play then I'll play just wait till tonight.

Anyone want a part 2?

What do you think Taymors going to do?

What did you think of this one shot?

Was it any good?

Do you feel bad for Tay?

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