YbnMelly~ double date

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Jamel's pov:

Nick and I haven't been out in a while. Tonight we were finally getting out of the house though. We are going on a double date with Tay and Kentrell.

" Nick you ready?" I ask him.

" just give me a few minutes," he informs me.

" ight I'll be in da car," I inform him before heading out to the garage.

Nick soon joins me in the car and I glance over his outfit.

" babe u know we ain't going anywhere that fancy?" I ask him while referring to his suit. He was all dressed up while I was wearing ripped jeans and a black T-shirt.

"oh you think this too much?" He questions me.

" yeah it's a little much," I answer with a chuckle.

" fuck it were already late," he decides. I can't believe he's really going to keep the suit on but whatever.


Soon enough we arrived at the restaurant. I chuckle one last time at Nicks suit before getting out of the car.

" hey it's not that bad," Nick defends himself.

" let's see what the others are wearing," I suggest. We walk in immediately spotting Tay and Trell.

" hey guys," I greet them.

" what is he wearing?" Trell questions while trying to hold in a laugh.

" listen I didn't know what to wear," Nick defends himself.

" nigga were at Applebee's, this ain't no fucking prom," Trell jokes.

" you know what I don't give a fuck," Nick says with attitude and sits down. I follow him and sit down too. This is going to be an interesting night out.

Once the waiter came we all ordered but when she got to Nick he decided to order the most expensive thing on the menu. I am not paying for that. He must think we rich or something.

Once the waiters gone I tell him " you paying for that wit your own money,"

He rolls his eyes before saying " it's not even that expensive."

" it's $32," I inform him while trying to knock some sense into him.

" ok well this chain $200 and we can still afford it so..." he argues. I swear this nigga dumb as fuck. Maybe this is why we haven't been out lately.

Soon enough the food came and everyone's eyes immediately went to Nicks big ass steak.

" now I know your not going to finish that," Tay challenges Nick.

" fuck off," Nick growls pushing Tay's fork away. We all just eat in silence. Soon enough everyone is finished except for Nick.

" you need some help with that?" Trell asks this time.

" fine," Nick gives in.

Soon enough the steak was gone. I hope Nick brought his money.

" you gotta pay for this," I inform Nick.

" I forgot my money," Nick answers with pleading eyes. Does he seriously think I'm gonna pay for this.

" nah I ain't paying for it," I inform him in a serious tone.

" then who gonna pay for it? He asks.

" fine nobody gonna pay for it, let's get outta here," I answer.

" remember if we get caught it's your fault," I remind Nick. Next thing we do is causally rush out the restaurant. Luckily we didn't get caught. Was it worth not buying that steak? Yes it was but I ain't ever taking Nick out to eat again.

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