The jerk

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Jeno's POV

I've been avoiding Jaemin ever since I left his apartment that day. It just hasn't been the same he completely changed and I saw a side of him that I've never seen. Something tells me that he has more sides to him that I don't know about. My heart still only fluttered for him and I kinda hated myself for it because deep inside I knew that Jaemin was a jerk.

I haven't talked to him in two weeks. That's the longest I've ever been without him and of course the other dreamies are suspicious but I have more problems  to cover up then to be worried about their reactions. I know I sound selfish and mean but I'm angry. In the two weeks I heard rumors about Jaemin.

Usual slut boy rumors that always had a sluty boy involved. I never thought as Jaemin as a slut boy but I guess I don't know him. Apparently he's been going to various parties and getting super drunk and well fucking everyone. I knew better though I knew that Jaemin wasn't a slut boy but more of a broken boy looking to fix his problems by fucking the whole football team.

I've been told all these things by the one person that Jaemin hates for some reason. Lucas. I remember what Jaemin had said about Lucas and that he would hurt me if I'd talk to him. But honestly I was a free boy free to do whatever I wanted and Jaemin no matter how hot and gorgeous he was wasn't gonna tell me what I can't and can do.

Today was a usual day I came over to the park to meet up with Lucas. Of course he was being kinda of an ass and making Jungwoo jealous by flirting with others. Besides that I told him about Jaemin and he told me the usual. "You should let him go how many times do I have to tell you that man!" He yelled at me. I sighed and crossed my arms. "Can't you see that I can't I've tried to let go of him I can't!" I shouted back.

Lucas looked like he was gonna say something but he instead put on a smirk. I realized he wasn't looking at me but the person behind me. I looked back and saw no other than my painbringer Jaemin.
He looked dazed and angry his hair was messy his lips were red and he was loosely holding a beer can in his hand.

This was the first time I've seen him in two weeks and he doesn't look any better then when I left him. I turn back around and look at Lucas. "Please tell me he's not coming here" Lucas chuckles "Your In bad luck because he's coming directly here" I rub my temple at his words.

Before I could think of a way of escaping an arm wrapped around me. Jaemins arm. I feel uneasy and ready to run but I'm as still as a statue. "So you wanna go fuck around with.....with this fucker! Huh!" Jaemin says in a slur as he holds the back of my neck making me look him directly in the eyes.

I was so screwed with him being so touch and possessive I couldn't possibly not turn another shade of red. "I-I" my words are stuck in my mouth being this close to Jaemin made me drunk and I haven't had any beer. "He doesn't want anything to do with you rat so go back into the hole you escaped from!" I heard Lucas say it snapped me out of  lovey dovey state.

"Ohhhhhhh.. is that sooooo Jeno darling you don't want me you don't want this!" He asked me again this time pulling my hair back so my head was arched back. I was such a big baby near Jaemin but I found my words. "J-Jaemin t-this isn't y-you—-" he cuts me off. "Aish!! Shut it you clearly don't listen! And you dont questions" what happened next is something that has happened before except this time it was different.

Jaemin got closer and and angrily started kissing me. I smelled the alcohol all over him. My mind was telling me to push him away and not get sucked into his world but my feelings my heart was telling me to kiss him until I couldn't breath.

He finally broke the kiss after what seemed like a long minute. He pushed me hard that I ended up falling on my ass. I gulped as I looked up at him. He smirked and ruffled my hair before taking another sip of his beer and leaving. I was still in a deep trance as I watched him go with my red tinted cheeks. "What the hell was that?" Lucas's questioning voice broke me out of my trance.

"I don't know" I had no idea what just happened.

As the day went on and I went home. And thought about things. I starred at the dark sky out my window as I thought about Jaemin. Our encounters now just involve me meeting all these sides of him that I never knew existed. Our encounters have always been friendly before the first kiss. It's like that kiss fucked us up for the rest of our lives because things started happening that would've never have happened.

I was confused but I'm always confused so I'm getting used to that feeling. What I did know was that I had to be ready next time because a different version of Jaemin would be showing up and I needed to expect the unexpected.

The first version of Jaemin is the one I've always known. In my note book I've written him down as friendly Jaemin he's reliable playful and always there. He's a bit of a tease but he knows his place as a friend I've known this Jaemin all my life it's the version I fell in love with.

The next version is broken Jaemin. Jaemin has always been broken but when he was in this state he's even more so he's angry and defensive his also clingy. In this state he's at his most vulnerable and if I weren't as sturdy as I was he would scary me in this state. Okay to be honest I'm not that sturdy but I'll try to be for him.

The next and last version for now is drunk Jaemin. He's fearless a bit scary and aggressive. He gets what he wants his levels of flirtation go through the roof. When angry can be a threat.

All these version are one person and I was scared to meet the others if there were others. I wanted to put him back together and make him one single version of himself....

gosh lord help me I'm so in love with him.

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