5~Thomas the Train Underpants

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Unlike my coma-like state between masters, when I reentered my lamp for little naps like these, it was indeed literally like a nap. I slowly woke up after a little while, the lamp pressing against and darkness surrounding me.

Muffled voices could be heard just outside my lamp.

The dizziness and ringing was gone which was a relief, and I let myself remain in the comfort of my lamp for a few more minutes.

Unfortunately, in that few more minutes the tickling sensation washed over me. Jungkook was waking me up.

I reluctantly pulled out from the lamp.

Unlike last time, my feet were immediately formed as I released myself from the lamp.

The first thing I noticed was we were in a car. A van to be exact. The next thing I noticed was the van was filled with men. All young, handsome men. One was driving, another sitting in the passenger seat with a map. Everyone else was sitting in around me.

"What the heck?" a voice piped up behind me. "This is the Genie?"

There were seven people including Jungkook. All of them were still in their torn and rugged clothes from prison. But they must have stopped somewhere because their faces were now clean despite some visible cuts and bruises on their faces.

"Y/N," Jungkook said slowly. "These are my members that you helped free. The driver up there is Hoseok. Next to him with the map is Jimin."

I swiveled around to glance at the two men. Each quickly glanced back at me and offered me polite smiles.

"Next to us is Namjoon."

A tall, dignified looking man beside us offered me a nod.

"Behind us are Yoongi, Jin, and Taehyung."

One of the young men offered me a genuinely sweet, boxy smile.

"Nice to meet you all. Now, can someone catch me up to what's happening?" I was going to forget everyone's names within seconds so what was the point? I sucked at names.

"Well, we escaped the compound thanks to your help," Yoongi spoke up behind me. "We stole this car and are now on our way to the international airplane to catch a flight to Korea where we're from."

"How do you plan on getting back?" I frowned.

"We have plenty of money," he smirked a tiny bit.

Oh right. These guys here were probably criminals. Great. Just great.

"We were mainly trying to figure out how we were going to get into the airport with these ragged clothes on without being arrested right away," Jungkook tugged at their soiled clothes. "We were wondering if you could do anything about it."

"I can. But why should I? I already used a little too much of my powers back at the prison and not really inclined to use much at the moment. Which reminds me." I turned to Jungkook and held up two fingers. "You used one of your three wishes. So you're down to two."

"How about we use one of those wishes to get us new clothes?" (Chimin I think?) glanced back from the passenger seat, setting down the map on his lap.

"Yeah, hey Genie," (It was Taehyun right?) beamed, "We wish for new clothes."

"Yah!" Jungkook batted his hand. "I'm the one who makes the wishes around here. Not you. Me!"

I snorted quietly. Technically he was right. Even if others made wishes to me I could only grant my current master's wishes. But hey, a small prank couldn't hurt right?

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