31~I've Got the Magic in Me

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Dawn was just breaking, pale rays piercing the deep indigo sky in the East.

My breaths came out in wispy clouds as I struggled to keep up the Seagull, because damn his daddy long legs.

Jungkook had left his suitcase back at the hotel room, saying it was too much to try and bring along in our escape. The only thing he'd brought was my lamp and the silver locket.

I still had no clue what the necklace represented to Jungkook. Maybe some past lover? Maybe one of his parents? Either way Jungkook made it clear he would not be parted from it in any circumstance.

"Can you try and move a little faster?" Jungkook hissed at me.

"Are you kidding me?" I scowled. "Dude, I'm jogging here."

But the tension in the air was undeniable. One man had been already sent into the hotel, straight to our hotel room despite fake names. It meant that the rest of the group was probably somewhere nearby, keeping eyes on the hotel.

I had my cloak on, so it would only look like he was the only one.

"Almost there," Jungkook breathed as we neared a cross-section.

And that's when we heard the loud footsteps.

"Jungkook!" I only had time to yell before a group of perhaps six men burst out around a corner in front of us.

With impossible speed Jungkook darted forward, ducking under one man's arm while grabbing his gun from his belt at the same time. In an instant he leapt up, spinning out of reach of yet another man, and brought his gun across a third man's head with a loud crack.

The man dropped, moaning in agony on the ground.

Then the most shocking thing happened.

The two men Jungkook had dodged kept running... straight at me.

It was a second too late before I realized that somehow, the men could see me.

I just began to dodge when one of them caught my arms and viciously yanked me towards him. Fear coursed through me as the second man pounced on me as well.

A small shriek of pain escaped me as they began to twist my arms behind my back. I shouldn't have screamed at all.

Because at my fear, Jungkook faltered where he was fending off four men at once and stared in shock at me. His mistake. Immediately the men grabbed him and Jungkook yelled in pain as one of them gripped his still injured arm.

Fighting through my panic, I reached and grabbed the magic in me. Somehow I felt the golden light flood through me before I pressed it on the two men around me.

In a few seconds they released me and all but melted at my feet, auras bright golden and the lustful looks in their eyes.

If only I could sock them in the nose. But I had to be swift. I forced a smile on my face as I met my two minions below me. "You love me don't you?" I crooned, internally disgusted as they both nodded vigorously. "Then kill those bad guys over there," I pointed. "I'll kiss the one who defeats the most men."

With the reward of a kiss from me secured, the two men wasted no time and attacked the four men struggling to hold Jungkook.

Surprise yells and curses broke through the air.

I darted forward, heart slamming in my chest. How could the men see me? I was clearly cloaked.

They have an evil Genie on their side, I recalled abruptly. It was making this group having abilities and opportunities they'd never have before, making them absolutely deadly.

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