9~ I'm A Lonely Whale

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The chauffer of the car was a quiet man who only nodded respectfully to the Jungkook and his members as they all piled into the car.

I delicately slipped into the car before Taehyung reached over and shut the door. Even if I was locked out and the car drove off without me I'd eventually have to follow them because the lamp Jungkook held would be going too far without me.

But it definitely would've been a hassle that I was too lazy to deal with.

I crawled over the seats— just barely managing not to accidentally bump an oblivious Hoseok in the face with my butt— and slid into the small trunk at the back of the car.

I settled myself comfortably in the trunk and began to drift off immediately.

"Is the Love Genie with us right now?"

I opened one eye.

"I don't know. She disappeared after the Security and I never saw her again. Jungkook, is she here?"



"Probably in the lamp."

I frowned a little and shifted so I could peek over the seats. Jungkook was two rows in front of me, glowering outside the window. Was he being difficult? Or did he genuinely think I'd gone back into the lamp because he technically couldn't see me at the moment?

"Do you think she's the one that Dexter —"

"No, she's not. No one in their straight mind would try to find a Love Genie to fulfill plans like Dexter has," Jungkook cut in.

"Luckily for you, you're as straight as a bent pole," I piped up. I was getting tired of Jungkook continuously dissing Love Genies.

Jungkook snapped around at my voice so quick a loud crack popped from his neck. The kid barely winced.

"So that means Dexter and his gang might still be getting their hands on a Genie?" Jin asked darkly.

"But I mean we now have a Genie ourselves," Hoseok pointed out hopefully.

"Hoseok hyung, she's a Love Genie," Jungkook growled. "She's absolutely useless and will just get in the way if anything to our mission."

I narrowed my eyes and zeroed in on Jungkook.

Less than a second later the handsome suit was replaced with the infamous, oversized carrot costume.

All the young men paused and gaped at Jungkook. Jungkook's aura, in turn, transformed into a brilliant scarlet.

"Are you sure the Love Genie is in her lamp right now?" Jimin stammered a little.

"No, I'm not sure Jimin hyung," Jungkook snapped irritably.

I wasn't quite finished yet.

After another few seconds an oversized, grey bunny head accompanied the carrot costume, fitting snugly on Jungkook's head.

Jin and Taehyung had to look away, failing to silence their snickers. Namjoon just covered his mouth but the small dinkles appearing on his cheek gave away the amused grin. Jimin let loose a snort.

Satisfied I retreated back into the trunk and nestled myself into the small space, satisfaction shooting through me.

I don't know quite how long we were in the car. I kept drifting in and out of sleep. But full consciousness settled over me when I felt the car stop and doors opened, letting in cool air.

Outside the windows the world was a dark, indigo color signaling nightfall. I couldn't tell where we were, but I knew we weren't in the city anymore.

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