29~ Nightmares and Traps

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The silver crown nestled on the velvet pillow glittered in the flickering firelight, just like a million silver tears. Delicate little gems of sapphire, emerald, and amethyst were woven into the grand ornamental headdress.

"For you, my princess," a man stood before me, smiling as he gently took the crown and placed it on my head.

F(13+ word)CK!!

Not this dream again!

"Thank you."

The man faded before my very eyes.

HELL no, get me outta this dream. Not again what the heck??

I was in the bedroom with the thin nightgown on.

"My princess."

Mother trucking bucking bucks with a tonka truck on top get me outta here!

The same man from before was sitting on the bed. "Come," he patted the space on the bed beside him.

My body moved forward without permission.

The man now lowered his lips to my neck and now began to inch over my body, whispering things in my ear.

Knowing what was coming next I began desperately trying to free myself. My heart slammed in my chest as the aching feeling slowly crept up my back.

The loneliness.

Devouring me. Shadows. Darkness was billowing up. So alone. No one there. Silence. Icy fingers seemed to spread across my arms and legs.

"Murderer..." a cynical voice chuckled in my ears.

And then I jerked awake.

In an instant I was out of the lamp, my breath coming out fast and fear pounding through me. I didn't scream this time but I had to clap a hand over my mouth and curl in a tight ball on the floor to prevent any noise escaping my mouth.

What the heck was going on with that nightmare??

The man's eyes flashed in my mind. Pale green. Sickly like celery. Speaking of sick, my stomach was bubbling in a not good way and I almost felt nauseous.

The hotel room was silent and the last thing I wanted was to wake up Jungkook and face him. But neither did I want to go back into the lamp.

The man's voice rasping in my ear sent chills down my spine similar to that when you hear chalk screeching down the board. He'd been whispering something in my ear. Something dirty, but at the same time... there were actual words he was saying.

I couldn't remember.

And I didn't want to remember.

The darkness and gaping ache in my chest was worsening as the silence in the hotel room I was in stretched on. Was this what some people felt every day when they didn't have anyone to support and help them? This loneliness?

It was times like these that I often wondered if Genies really were cursed. If we had become like this because of some 'terrible' deed we did in the past. If that was the case, what terrible deed had I committed?

I couldn't even imagine being a regular human once in my lifetime. Without magic. Mortal. No lamp. No three wishes.

When I finally managed to calm myself just enough I shakily half crawled, half waddled over to the couch. It was fairly soft and comfy and I curled up on it, eyes gazing distantly.

The ominous vibe hanging in the air continued to swirl in the air. I was beginning to get used to the feeling always being there, ignoring it more easily. But there was something inside me, almost like a dark whisper echoing in my head, that soon I was going to face some impending danger.

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