My hood, My shawty 0.3

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"She killed him omg!" I screamed while shaking herb

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"She killed him omg!" I screamed while shaking herb. We were watching the newest episode of Game of Thrones and Arya Stark just killed the Night King. This bitch deserves the seven kingdoms!

"It's funny to me how you're the only person I know that actually says 'omg' instead of oh my God." He said cracking up at me. I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder. He's not lying though I have a habit of using abbreviations instead of real words I literally say 'lmao' or 'lol' . He noticed the fake pout on my face and he stopped laughing.

"Stop being a little baby." He got up and went to the kitchen.

I've been staying with Herb for 2 weeks now, I haven't told anybody and not even Tabatha knows. I've noticed he's probably developed feelings towards me, and I kinda did too in a way, he's a really chill person with a big ass heart. Yohson likes him a lot, they've grown really close. It makes me think 'what if' Yohson had his dad by his side, would he always look this happy. I've always wanted for him to have both role models in his life, the best I can do as a mother is teach him how to treat a girl, have respect, be a gentle man, and be responsible. A father can teach him way more about strength than I can, I sometimes doubt myself way to often. But I know I'm trying my hardest for both me and him. I plan on telling Herb that he's my son not my brother but that can wait till tonight.

"Is it cool if I pick up Yohson ? I wanna take him out for ice cream." Herb yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah it's cool, just make sure you bring me some too!" I replied.

He grabbed his car keys and drove to his day care. I enrolled him in a different one ever since the incident st his old one.

H E R B 🥴

I put Yohson in his car seat and buckled him in. I love hanging around this little guy, it be feeling like he my son or something. No cap he kind of look like me... nah I'm tripping.

"Fat man guess where we going?" I said looking in the mirror.

"Ummm," he put his chubby hand on his chin. "Mcdownals!" I laughed at his excitement.

"Nooo lil man, we going to get ice cream, just like Herbo promised." He threw his hands in the air.

"Ice Skweamm! Yeth!"

After a couple of minutes I pulled into a Brusters and I carried him to the stand to order what he wanted.

"I wanttttt hmmm, I want chocwate chwip and minth." I scrunched up my nose at him.

"You like mint? Ewww."

"Hater awert!" I opened my mouth what do this lil boy sister be teaching him.

"What do you think your sister wants?" He didn't reply to me he just gave me a puzzled look.

"I dont have sister." I scrunched up my nose but I just brushed it off and ordered her the same thing as him and I got vanilla. We sat at a bench eating our Ice cream and joking around, until I spotted some of my niggas from school, Trey, Kendall, and August.

They walked up to me and I dapped em up.

"What's up dawg, who this lil nigga." Kendall said pointing at Yohson. Yohson stuck his tongue out at him showing his distaste in him.

"Oh him? That's Arianna brother." When I said that they all bust out laughing.

"Fuck is so funny?" I questioned

"Nigga you out here playing step daddy, that's Arianna baby not brother." When they said that I thought back to when Yohson said he had no sister.

I completely ignored the guys and picked Yohson up forgetting Ariannas ice cream and just going straight for the car. I was upset I was lied too, and I needed answers from her.


the door opened and I shifted my attention to Herb and Yohson walking in. I got up to go Greet them as always my baby was happy to see me.

"Aww it looks like y'all had fun huh?" Yohson proceeded to ramble on about how much fun he had with Herb and I smiled but it dropped when I noticed the smug on Herbs face.

"Umm Lil man go in the room for a quick minute ok? Ima be there soon." He listend and speed walked to my room.

"What's up with this little attitude?"


"What's up with this little attitude?" Ari asked him.

At this moment Herb didn't know what to think of her.

"When was you gon tell me that's your son?" He said glaring into her.

Her stomach literally dropped to her ass, she didn't know what to say, the only reason she kept it from him cause she was afraid to be judged again.

"I-I was going to tell you.." She stammered

" You was going too? Don't you think this some shit you should've told me from the jump!" His yelling startled her and caused her to back up from him.

" I know, I just had my reasons.." she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, she felt bad about herself.

" Fuck your reasons, you got me walking up and down with your son making me look dumb! If I knew you was this type of girl," Ari interrupted him.

"What type of girl am I herb? A hoe? A knocked up bitch with a 3 year old? Is that the type of girl I am?" Tears were now flowing out of her eyes fast. "This is the reason I didn't tell you! When I had Yohson everyone lost respect for me, people who I thought would die for me turned on me, they exposed me, they spread rumors about me! My own parents kicked me to the curb! Why? Because I got pregnant. Do you know how worthless I feel? I'm trying so hard for me and him, working 3 jobs, skipping school just to be here for my son, and all by myself too." She stopped to wipe her face. "You were the only person who didn't know and I felt like I could finally make a friend with out them thinking I'm some knocked up hoe, but I guess I was wrong, you're just like everyone else."

Herb smacked his teeth at her and brushed pass her walking into his room, he wasn't tryna hear nothing she was saying, he was just angry.

Ari slid to the floor and started crying. The feeling she felt the first she found out about her pregnancy, she was feeling it again and it was hurting her.
She brung her head up when she felt little arms wrap around her, she knew it was her son.

"Mommy? Why you cwying?" Ari held onto him and tried to stop her tears.

"It's nothing baby, mommy's okay."

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