Part 1

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"The purple King, huh?" a younger man with black hair said in a ever so cheerful voice. There was a sharp pain in Ashers side where Ethan had elbowed him.

Asher glared at his friend, "It's kinda weird isn't it? Who would have thought I'd make it this far."

Asher looked up at the morning sky it was a beautiful day, spring had only just begun, but it had already wiped out all traces of winter. Ethan and Asher were headed back to their home. It wasn't much, but it was big enough to home his whole crew.

Ethan coughed, "Who would have thought WE'D make it this far."

Asher smiled than elbowed his friend back. They were almost back to the house when a thought crossed his mind. If he just became a king than how many others are there. He was now a walking target without anything to support his name. He could easily get picked off. Besides it isn't like he didn't do the same to earn his spot on the food chain.

"Hey Ethan. What do u know about the Kings n Queens in this part of the city"

Ethan: "Well there are only three major ones in our city right now, the others just started out like us. There's the Cyan King, he has been around for gods know how long. Then there's the Ivory Queen, she is fairly new but not one to be fucked with. The last one is very new at least a year old, She calls herself the Ice Queen. Kinda cocky isn't it? I know it sent an uproar with the older Kings and Queens."

Asher gave his friend a puzzled look, "How did she even manage to become a queen?"

"I dunno, all I know is she started off in a lil ice cream shop, and now she lives in a giant castle." 

An ice cream shop huh. Well I guess she is a good place to start, and the least threatening one of all the majors. What better way to get your name on the map than to take out one of the biggest.

Asher smiled to himself, . "Change of plans Ethan."

"Why are u smiling like that, what are you thinking about?" 

"Ooooh, nothing. Its just I'm a little hungry right now."  The smile on his face grew bigger.

Ethan looked at him funny, "Wanna go get something to eat? What ya feeling like?"

"I think I want some ice cream." Asher looked at his friend and was pleased to see a smile as big as his own spread on Ethans face. Asher knew there was a reason Ethan was his second and most trustworthy friend.

"Ice cream sounds great, I just happen to know where some of the best ice cream is."

With that said Ethan and Asher made there way to the ice cream shop of a lone queen.

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