Chapter 2: Somethings Safer Not Said

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It okay its just a dream, i tell myself panting.



A sharp voice pierecing my ear drum.

I gasp and gasp clucthing my chest

"i'm...okay...its...okay" i whisper trying to get my breath.

"Just...Just....a bad...dream"

"Are you sure" he replied

"Yeah....Todd im fine just...give me 5"

"Okay but Brynes whats us at the crime seen asap"

"Okay....just let me get my breath"

"No problem big bro"

Wiping my forehead with a cloth, i just rememeber we have already got enough evidence we need so far....

"Hey Todd" i shouted to Todd Down the hall

"We have enough evidence for Lewis' case why does Brynes need us"

"Oh Joe didnt you hear" he replied walking into my office

"What" i whisper underneath my breath still wiping the sweat from my forehead

"Joe........Evie's body was found this morning near a dump in Westvill"

"What...She is dead?"

My Blood went cold

"What...what happened?"I stuttered

"Gun shot to the head bud, it was a shock but I checked out the body wow!!!" Todd said excitedly, he is not morbid or any thing he just is new, just finished university. But the kind you do at home,i don't know what its called. But yeah he did that, my little bro is only 22 bless...this is kinda fun for him, little weirdo, I love him though.We always have each other's back.

But then i felt my face freeze it would move. Then I felt a pain in my chest.

"Joe....JOE" i heard Todd shout

I felt my heart drop, I felt my body shake my arms wont stop shaking, Suddently my head was stiff, i tried to move, it would't work. The pain put me in shock.

Suddently i get all the feeling back in my body. I cant breathe, i feel as if i'm trapped in a box. I feel intense sharp pains in my chest. The pain is so much. I feel like my heart is going to explode. I...I can't explain how much it hurts. I don't know what to do....i just feel like my brain is going to burst.

I see Todd shouting , i cant find my voice. He runs out the room.

I can't Breathe

Whats happening to me.

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