Chapter 22

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"Excuse me, I would like to access my vault," Harry said,

"Name," the goblin said,

"Harry Potter," Harry said, putting his key in front of the Goblin,

"Reason?" the goblin asked,

"I'm running low on money?" Harry said,

"Come with me," he squeaked, Harry followed him into a cart. Harry took out his wand part way through the journey,

"Imperius," he whispered, "Take me to Bellatrix Lestrange's vault," the Goblin sat down and took Harry to Vault 713, where YN and Hermione were waiting, Harry dragged the Goblin out and put the Goblins hand on the vault,

"Alohamora," YN said, the vault opened, "You two, it might be cursed, wait out here in case I need you,"

"Ok," Hermione said. YN nodded and walked into the vault, calling behind her,

"I see it," she began to climb up the mountains of money, but the cup seemed to still be far away from her. She summoned it. It began to multiply hundred's of times, each of the copies were scorching hot. YN screamed in pain, Harry made to enter,

"If she needed our help, she would ask," Hermione said, hoping she was right. The vault door closed, "We need to get her out," Hermione said,

"You think?" Harry yelled. He grabbed the Goblin, using him to open the door. YN was lying there, cup in hand, and Harry dragged her out, slamming the door behind them. YN had burns on her face, he covered her and Hermione in the invisibility cloak, leaving with the Goblin. Harry lifted the curse on the Goblin,

"Did you get what you wanted Mr Potter?" he asked,

"Yes, thank you," Harry said, Hermione and YN following him. He took the cloak off when they had left and Hermione apparated him to the hotel room,

"Harry, get her on the bed," Hermione said, putting the cup away in her bag. Harry lifted his sister and put a cold towel on her burns,

"Will she be okay?" he asked,

"She should be, we can't risk taking her to St Mungo's in case Voldemort sees her there," Hermione said,

"If she could wake up for a second and change her appearance, we could have her be you or something," Harry said,

"Harry, love, you are a genius," Hermione said, kissing him. She opened her bag and pulled out a couple of vials and her hairbrush,

"Why do you need your hairbrush?" Harry asked,

"Ginny used it, now where is that damn book?" Hermione muttered, she found it in YN's bag.

HG: Fred, YN is fine, tell Ginny not to leave the house for a couple of days

Fred: Why?

HG: Long story, I will tell you when I next see you

Fred: On it

Hermione closed the book and pulled a hair out of her hairbrush. She put them in the vials,

"When she wakes up, I'll give her this," Hermione said, "It should last a day,"

"Polyjuice potion?" Harry asked,

"Yep," Hermione said, "Then we can go to St Mungo's,"

"What will we tell them?" Harry asked,

"Dark magic disguised as a gag gift," Hermione suggested,

"That works," Harry held YN's hand, checking her pulse, "Hermione, her pulse is really weak and slow,"

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