Chapter 5: Memories Suck

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I'm running across the rocky, barren, plains, my breaths uneven and frantic. Looking over my shoulder, I see him chasing me, slowly catching up. Adrenaline bursts into my burning legs forcing them to pump even faster. The rough mountain side leers closer, suddenly forming into a cliff, a dead end. I spin around, my sharp dagger already in my hand, ready to kill.

He cautiously slows down, like a predator stalking his prey, and begins to pace back and forth, searching for an opening. "We've got her. She'll tell us everything that you won't." He paused at that, glancing at me for any sign of emotion. He sighed, shaking his head once he saw my stone faced expression. "Now that we have her, we won't be needing you." He says in a menacing tone, turning to face me, pulling out a short sword.

I leap forward, my dagger glinting in the sunlight as I drive it deep between his ribs. I wipe the blood from my dagger on his dying corpse as I tuck it away and sprint off again, leaving him to bleed to death.

I make it to the gaping mouth of the cave, running inside without a second thought. Deep within, I hear her screams. "Damien! Help me! Damien!" She cries from the rocky interior. As I rush to the sound of her voice, three people jump around a corner, intercepting me before I can react. "Damien!!" Her tortured voice echos up the dark tunnel.

"Emma!!" I woke with a jolt, reaching for the hilts of my daggers, the memory of her fading shriek ringing in my ears. Remembering where I was, I looked around, making sure no one was near me. How long was I out? I wondered. I looked down at the smooth, black ankle brace. "What are you?" I asked out loud, not really expecting an answer. Suddenly, I heard a soft, faint breath coming from underneath my bed.

Slowly, I grabbed a dagger and rolled off the mattress, landing on my feet. Calmly, I looked under the rough, wooden frame, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. My breath jumped into my throat as soon as I saw who was underneath. I was shocked. No way was this possible. It couldn't be. "Emma... I'm sorry for what I did... I didn't know-"

"Shhh" She held a finger to her mouth, silencing me before dissolving into small particles of light. My thoughts were plunged into another memory, barely giving me time to breathe.

I'm walking up the steps to Xander Riddle's office after being called up, my heart pounding like a machine gun. I stop at the door of doom, as the trainees called it, trying to calm down before entering. I raise my hand to knock on the bloodstained wood when-

"Come in." His cold, calculating voice comes through the door. I open the door, already familiar with this room, but terrified nonetheless.

"You called for me, Master?" My voice somehow hiding all anxiety and fear.

"Indeed I did. I have a small request for you. A way to prove your loyalty." He looks at me without a hint of emotion.

I step inside closing the door behind me. "Of course, what would someone as powerful as you require of me?" I wondered, my voice hiding the excitement I feel. My hands grasp the ivory hilts of my rapiers in anticipation of proving myself. My face twists into a smile, unable to control it any longer. "Haven't I proven myself yet? I've been training with you for 7 years now."

"Yes, and you've done extremely well. This is the last test." He pulls down a curtain hanging from the ceiling, revealing a woman with a bag covering her head. She is tied to the chair underneath her with thin, strong ropes. She is struggling against it at the moment, screaming through the gag under the bag. The scream sounds familiar but I can't tell why. "She is a traitor to the Guild and deserves to be punished."

"Who is she, Master?" I try to see through the black cloth hiding her face, but to no avail.

"No one important. If you really want to know you can remove the mask later. We wouldn't want you to get all soft on her, now would we?"

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