Chapter 9: The Biggest Surprise

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Immediately after the blindfold was removed I was ushered into my cell once more. Once I got there, I sat on the bed, putting my head in my hands. What are they going to do to me? I failed the test, what is the consequence?

I thought about what they did back in the Guild, quickly realizing that the usual consequence was death. Great, just great. All because I didn't kill my best friend.

After a few moments, Zane walked in, his face completely expressionless. After staring at me for a long moment, he spoke up, "Good job."

I looked up at him beyond confused. "What are you talking about? I failed. I didn't kill him." I looked back down thinking about the numerous ways they could torture me before ending my life.

He looked down at me, all signs of emotion replaced by disappointment. "Haven't you learned by now? The point wasn't to kill him, it was to show that you weren't completely controlled by loyalty. So you passed."

"Then why did Azalea look so upset when I didn't kill Josh? Wouldn't she be happy that I passed?"

He frowned before replying. "That's because she had placed bets that you would do it. That you were beyond repair." He paused before continuing, "Her words, not mine."

"She placed bets against me?" I stared at him in bewilderment. "Then why did she test me again? If she thought there was no hope for me why did she try again?"

He sat there, thinking before replying, "I don't know. I honestly don't know what made her change her mind. Either way, you're free now. Come on, I'll give you a tour."

* * *

Throughout the whole tour I was trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I somehow passed. I glanced down at the strange object around my ankle that I had almost forgotten about. Why hasn't this done anything except that one time?

"Hey, Zane?" I waited for him to glance at me, after waiting a moment I gave up. "When will you take this off me?" I ask him, nervously.

He looked at me and replied softly, "I don't know, we will have to see." After that, he promptly turned around and continued walking.

I sprinted to catch up, "Why do we have to wait? If I'm free shouldn't I be able to lose this?"

"In theory, yes, but it's up to her, not me." He ended it there simply like there was nothing more to be said.

"Ok..." After that I shut up, letting him lead me around showing me the dining hall.

It was a big room with a low ceiling, and long mahogany wood tables lined up parallel with the door. Even now at 9:00 at night, there were people bustling about. People cleaning up the dishes from dinner and wiping down the table. Others were sweeping the floors and tucking in the chairs that were left pulled out.

"Why are there so many tables? You can't possibly have that many people here." I asked Zane.

"Yes, we can and we do." He paused to look at me. "What, the murderous Guild wasn't popular?" He joked. After seeing my bewildered face, he grunted and continued. "This hall is where we eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's about it." He ended, lamely.

"Well what else would you do in a place intended for eating?" I asked, still surprised by how many people there were. After waiting a moment I asked him, "So, where next?"

He looked at me a slight chuckle in his voice as he said, "That's it, you weren't listening very much were you?"

I decided not to reply, "So when are we seeing Azalea?"

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