Chapter 15

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Hazel: "Well of course I am! Either option hurts Andy but I feel like seeing that picture will hurt him more."
Mikey: "No, tell him the truth, he'll believe you!"
Hazel: "He won't, he'll just think I'm trying to blame everything on Rose when in reality I'm the bad one."
I start to cry. He hugs me.
Mikey: "The truth is always the best option, don't worry about it, just don't let Rose win!"
Hazel: "I have to! It's the easiest way."
Mikey: "It's the easiest way for you! I see the way Andy looks at you, he loves you! This is now about whether you love him. If you do, you will stay and fight for him, even if he hates you! If you don't, then it shows that you took the easy way out and you aren't willing to fight."
Hazel: "You don't understand how crap it is though! If I don't leave, she will find a way to wreck my life no matter what! At least this way I'll get a recommendation from Olive if I just leave and don't get fired."
Mikey: "You do whatever you want Hazel but when you actually care about people, you will always stay and fight!"
Hazel: "Well that's easy for you to say! You don't have a job and you have like a bunch of mates to back you up!"
Mikey: "Maybe I don't have a proper job but at least I prioritise my family over anything else!"
Hazel: "I HAVE TO WORK FOR THIS JOB! If I get a bad recommendation then my career is screwed!"
Mikey: "I guess you're right but maybe it'll work out, you need to figure out what's more important to you, do you love Andy!"
Hazel: "He told me he loved me, I didn't say it back."
Mikey: "Do you love him?"
Hazel: "I don't know, I think so."
Mikey: "Then you know what to do, I'll speak to you tomorrow, let you think about it."
Hazel: "Thanks and I'm sorry Mikey, you do have a job and it is hard for you too."
He hugs me again.
Mikey: "It's all good because you're my family too and I support you no matter what!"
I smile at him. We see Alex and Rose walking towards us.
Rose: "You've had half an hour, is this seriously all you have?"
Mikey: "We got a bit distracted, we were talking about whether calzones or full pizzas are better."
Rose: "Ugh so pathetic! I mean erm...cute, personally I like pizzas!"
Mikey: "Yeah same!"
Alex: "Right I think we have everything, let's go!"
Hazel: "Yeah!"
Rose: "Wait! I haven't got a present yet, Hazel come help me pick one!"
She flashes her fake smile and grabs my hand. Mikey side glances me and I roll my eyes smirking.
Rose: "We both know you weren't talking about pizza, I swear if you've told Mikey about our little deal."
Hazel: "I've not!"
Rose: "Then why do you look like you've been crying?"
Hazel: "Allergies."
Rose: "Likely! Watch your back, bitch."
She slides past me and I'm left stood there, scared.

That night, I toss and turn. I look at my clock. 2:30AM. Today, I have the day off to help prepare for the party. At some point, my door opens and Andy comes and lies next to me.
Andy: "Hey."
Hazel: "Hey, what are you doing at this time? Oh happy birthday!"
Andy: "Thanks! Your instagram said you were active, can't sleep?"
Hazel: "No, you?"
Andy: "Yeah I just woke up but you seem upset or distant lately, so when I was just checking my instagram and I saw you were awake, I thought I'd see if you were okay."
Hazel: "Aww you little cutie!"
He wraps his arm around me, resting his head on my shoulder.
Hazel: "I'm okay though."
Andy: "It's okay if you don't want to say but I know when something's bothering you, either way, hopefully you can sleep better with me here, whatever it is wrong, I'm here, nothing can get to you."
Hazel: "Thanks and you being here does make me feel better."
I turn to face him, cuddling in.
Andy: "I was thinking, I want to tell the boys about us today, if that's okay with you?"
Hazel: "Oh my god yeah that's okay with me! Why though?"
Andy: "Because I want to be able to take you out whenever I want, not worrying about covers. I want to hold your hand and just kiss you in front of people. I want to show people that you're mine and I'm yours, that I love you!"
I smile and kiss him.

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