Two Saiyan wizards

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Y/N held his out with a ki blast in anger hearing that he wanted to be spared. He easily picture that it was Feriza groveling at his feet beaten and broken like how Reta was seeing how they're very much alike. Anger was swelling inside him along with rage and hatred and a strong desire to kill him on the spot. The members of Fairy Tail and Nappa were watching wondering what Y/N was going to do. It felt like time was frozen as they waited for Y/N's next move was going to be. After what felt like an eternity Y/N let out a loud shout and fire an energy sphere at Reta. Most of the members shielded themselves not wanted to see what was going to happen however an explosion never came. They looked to see that Reta's body was glowing the same color as Y/N for a moment before vanishing.

Gray: What did he do to that guy?

Gajeel: I don't know but whatever he did, it better not have been a bad choice.

Y/N breathed in and went back to his usual H/C. Reta slowly opened his eyes along with moving his body slowly.

Reta: What....what happened.

Y/N walked over to Reta and placed his foot over his neck cutting off air glaring down at him.

Y/N: Be glad that I'm sparring your sorry royal ass along with giving you a tiny bit of my energy. Now get. Off. My. Planet. Said he step further on Reta's neck after each word.

Reta struggled to try to get air but was able to mutter out that he would listen to him. Y/N took his foot off of him then kicked him into a rock formation before he started to walk towards his guild mates. Makarov and the others cheered seeing how he won and beat Reta so easily even after giving him a senzu bean, while Nappa didn't like how Y/N spared Reta's life.

Nappa 'thought': Why did that runt spare his life? Doesn't he know that isn't how our kind works?

Nappa looked to see Reta had gotten out of the rubble and on his knees breathing heavy.

Nappa 'thought': Reta lost all my respect. Just what am I going to do now?

Nappa looked up to the sky wondering what to do now seeing how he has cast away like trash from Reta and now doesn't have any purpose in life. Reta on the other hand glared at Y/N in anger and frustration.

Reta 'thought': How can I, the prince of all saiyans lose to a damn piece of trash scum like him!!! Not only hos is it that he's a super Saiyan and not me!!!  IT'S NOT RIGHT!!!

Y/N was surrounded by the guild members while the girls were fighting over who was getting to hug him first. Seeing this sight enraged Reta further but he decided to prepare a ki sphere as he got to his feet.

Reta: Y/N!!!!

Y/N looked to Reta had fired a ki blast at them but the ki blast exploded in front of them sending them all flying. After the dust settled Y/N got to his feet and looked to see where everyone was at.

Y/N: You guys alright?!

Natsu: Yeah I'm fine here.

Macao: Same over here.

Y/N looked up to see Reta in the air with another ki sphere in his hand glaring at him.

Reta: I will not allow a scum like you beat me a prince!!! If I can beat you then I'll just take your friends lives!!

Y/N: Don't you dare!!!

Reta: Too late Y/N now it's time for them to die starting with those girls that you care so much!!!!

He threw the sphere at Mira and the others at fast speeds. Y/N tried to save them but he was drained after that transformation.


A Saiyan WizardWhere stories live. Discover now