Great Balls of Fire ☄️

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The Doctor and Rose were chatting with each other by the console. I was too far away to be able to hear them, but they were pretty engrossed in their conversation. Shaking my head, I tried to get rid of my lingering feelings about 'home'. I completely missed the Doctor's slight frown in my direction.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" I said as I running up to them, a big smile on my face, ready for our next adventure.

"Sleep well?" Rose asked.

I thought Rose was helping my cover. Not realizing she was hinting at something else, "Well, it was interesting to say the least." I say turning to her as I lean on the console. I looked down smiling, rubbing my thumb on the TARDIS's control panel, enjoying the soothing warmth she gave me.

"Interesting?" I turned back to Rose and frowned. I already told her, what more did she want? It was already done and over with. I really didn't want to think about it, especially right now. I'd rather go on an adventure with them, rather than try to solve my little problem. It's not like I thought it was horrible or anything. I was just shocked. I panicked, that's all.

Wanting her to drop it, I dropped my frown, replying cheerily, "Yep." Popping the 'p'.

Rose wanted to say more. Lucky for me, the Doctor cut her off.

"Right," the Doctor claps. Rubbing his hands together he looked at the both of us, "Rose Tyler, Amanda. You tell me, where do you wanna go? Backwards or forwards in time? It's your choice." said The Doctor.

I smiled at the Doctor, very grateful he changed the subject. I'm sure he's curious, especially since Rose kept pushing it. It was nice knowing he'd wait till I was ready to share. I wanted to at least know what my cards were before I laid them all out on the table.

Getting back to the adventure at hand. "This one's all you Rose." I say smiling wildly; I turn, sending her a playful wink.

The Doctor turned away from me, looking at Rose "What's it gonna be?"

"Forwards." She replied.

He pressed a few buttons and switches "How far?" he asks as she starts to power up.

"One hundred years." Rose offers. I smile at her simple suggestion. Barley looking at the controls, he watches our reactions as he flips a few more switches, and turning nobs. I couldn't help but grin, 'I used to have a toy like that.' There were so many nobs, do-hickies, switches and buttons. Even the car door was became a portable computer in my imagination.

We grabbed on to the control panel for support as the TRADIS started shaking, the Doctor grinning at us wildly. I returned it, having the time of my life! Even better, this was only the Beginning!

He turned a nob and she stopped shaking. "There you go! Step outside those doors, it's the 22nd century." I couldn't help myself. I quietly sang a theme song, "Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd century." The Doctor looked at me, a wide teasing grin across his face. Rose on the other hand was baffled, "You're kidding."

He had to stop her right there, "That's a bit boring, though." My grin only widened, "Do you wanna go further?" he edged us on.

"Yes." I emphasized in an excited 'duh' tone.

"Fine by me." Rose fed off our excitement. Faster this time the Doctor went at the controls. The TARDIS's movement lasted longer this time, turning the last nob, we stopped. "Ten thousand years in the future." He's going all tour guide on us. He began emphasizing, "Step outside, it's the year 12005. The new Roman Empire."

Rose and I looked at each other, I raised my eyebrows and she just grinned at me. Turning back to the Doctor, we taunted, "You think you're so impressive."

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