Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Alpine, California, November 20

It was one of those rare days, with no humidity, just rain. And almost a little cold.

Kadens mother's office building had been infested with bugs and rodents, so she had the week off while exterminators got rid of the problem.

The second Kaden woke, he was on his computer. He did what he usually did.

Social media first, maybe a couple updates. Then, he texted his best friend Tony and got ready. After checking his apperance he posted a few selfies. Then, since he was feeling peppy, he posted a video onto his page.

Fifty or so likes within five minutes of posting made him smile.

He quietly grabbed some toast, texting Tony the whole time. He almost ran into a pole on his way down the street, where his other friend, Tyler lived. Tyler gave him rides pretty much every morning.

"Bro, did you hear what's been happening in Seirra?" Tyler was typing furiously as he greeted Kaden.

"You mean those blackouts? Yeah, it's pretty wild."

"Right? I sure hope it's not headed this way."

"Nah, I'm sure some idiot electrition messed up with a wire or something, screwed everything up. It only started last night, it'll all be over before the end of the week."

"Boy, do I hope so."

The car ride was quick and soon they were at school.

I honestly wish I could report that Kaden was a model student, a nice person, and a good friend.

But I can't.

Kaden did have mostly A's with a few B's, but that was because of extra- credit.

He wasn't a bully but he didn't stop the people that were.

He had lots of people he hung out with. But only three (maybe) actual friends.

He was closest to Tony.

Tony, wihtout Kaden's knowledge or consent, knew why Kaden was always on a screen typing something.

It was a weird thing, that wouldn't make sense to people who didn't know the full story.

Kaden didn't tell anyone, but Tony was there, living through it with him.

Not that Tony would tell anyone.

Like ever.

When people looked at Kaden they saw a sort-of well rounded kid, who could be ten steps ahead of where he was but was too scared to move.

And I'm sure my mindless ramblings contribute less than nothing to the story.

Where was I?



Kaden approached the group gathered around the red pick-up . Tony's sister's boyfriend's brother was the one who owned it.

As usual the tailgate was down and everyone had some drink or snack or person of the opposite gender in their hand.

Chris was the boys' name. His parents owned a couple of the local convenience stores in town and had lots and lots of money.

He had lots of expensive-ish cars, but his truck was his favorite.

Kaden didn't get the whole multiple cars thing.

He didn't have even one and he was fine.

But alas. He approached the group and the usual nothing-chatter began.

A little about that arrested freshman.

A bit about that boy who bleached his eyebrows.

And a lot about those blackouts in Seirra.

They all 'knew' they were prepared, even if it did happen. Most of them had a generator or two, and were 'happy to share' with those who didn't.

Then it was school time.

Classes and words flew by.

Food and laughing.

People and walking.

But his last period was long. As math always was.

He liked to count down the last fifteen seconds of school in his head.

He saw his classmates start to pack up as he got to eight.








The bell was never late.

Even the teacher, Mr. Crumm, looked confused. "What on earth is-."

Then the lights went out.

Blackout Experiment 1.0Where stories live. Discover now