[150] Overwhelming

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[ Real Life ]

"Hey, sleeping beauty." Har smiled as he entered with the twins on either side of him.

"Mummy, awake!" Eva exclaimed, running to approach you.

"I'm awake." You smiled, reaching your hand out to her. Eva's tiny hand wrapped around yours, leaning her cheek on your intertwined hands. You looked at Tommy, who looked hesitant to step close to you, nibbling on his finger as he settled for looking at you. "Hey," You called softly, "Come here, it's okay."

Harry opened his palm towards Tommy, holding his hand and pulling him towards him gently, kissing his cheek as he stood between his legs while he sat. "Don't you want to say hi to Mummy?" He whispered softly, humming, "She's awake."

"Where's my sister?" Tommy asked quietly, looking at you.

Your small smile faltered, loosening your grip on Eva before looking at Harry, whose jaw clenched before meeting your eyes. He cleared his throat, wrapping his arms around Tommy, "The nice doctors are giving her a bath."

"Want to hug her," Tommy mumbled, "Want to hug Mummy."

"Come here." You smiled tiredly, shutting your eyes in pain as you attempted to move closer to the edge, Harry instantly standing.

"Easy, love." His eyebrows were furrowed, hesitating to reach out and hold you.

"It hurts." You hissed, softly putting your hand on where your stomach hurt before removing it.

Harry's eyes widened and Anne quickly stepped in, "It's normal after cesarean, darling. They're going to give you drugs for it."

"Mummy, kiss?" Tommy offered, standing close to your head.

You smiled, turning to look at him, "Yes, please."

Tommy put his hand on your cheek, pecking your lips, "Okay?"

"Perfect." You smiled at him.

"Mummy," Eva whispered, cupping her hand around her mouth, "I'm hungry."

Everyone chuckled, having heard the not-so-quiet whisper. "Eva, Tommy, how about we go get some food?" Gemma offered, reaching her hands out as she tilted her head.

They both nodded, walking towards their aunt and holding her hands. "Goodbye, Mummy. Goodbye, Daddy." Eva grinned, waving at the both of you, "Goodbye, uncle Har. Goodbye, uncle Will. Goodbye, Tatie. Goodbye, gra-"

"Vie, quick! I want to see baby." Tommy groaned as they left, leaving the rest laughing.

"Can I see her?" You asked, looking at Harry.

"She's still at the NICU." Meghan answered.

"And I don't think you're in the best state to leave the bed yet, darling." Charles added.

"I can't just wait here," You shook your head, "I just want to see her."

"Baby..." Harry spoke, unsure of your wish, rubbing his face.

In a matter of seconds, you flung the covers off of your body, ignoring the protests as you tried to sit up, groaning at the sharp pain.

"Y/N, please." Harry put his hand on your shoulder softly.

"I'm not going to fucking lie here and pray for my kid to stay alive without seeing her," You were harsh, tone hard yet vulnerable as you looked up at your husband, "You promised to be there for me. Then help me out of this goddamn bed before I lose my fucking mind."

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