[96] Tokyo Shenanigans

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harrystyles, nicholasgrimshaw and 199 others liked

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harrystyles, nicholasgrimshaw and 199 others liked.

isthataladybug: nobody told me to match outfits so I'll just...stand there. #tokyoshenanigans
[tagged: harrystyles, kunichi_nomura]


trev.vor94 @harrystyles Lord Farquaad is shaking
hihelloitsfarraah LMFAAAOOOOOO
gemmastyles and THIS is why you're my favourite
freddiejrprince92 mate😂

oliverwh25 why are you wearing sunglasses indoor?
isthataladybug i don't know i felt like wearing them for the picture

nia.timothy_x Y/N staying safe as she drinks juice instead of alcohol 💓💞💝💖💘💕
isthataladybug 🥰🥰🥰🥰

kunichi_nomura ❤️


I understand you're mad at me but do you really think up and leaving is helping?
I was worried sick, Y/N
Are you back in the hotel?


Can we talk?


You know I wasn't flirting with her

I also know that you didn't stop her.
she's been mentally fucking you ever since we arrived and it was so obvious
that picture was uncalled for

she's been mentally fucking you ever since we arrived and it was so obvious that picture was uncalled for

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are you kidding?

Baby, you know she's also a fan
She knows I'm happily married to you

that's the problem
and don't say that she's a fan
your fans don't do this
sure, they kiss you in pictures and all but it's all friendly and chaste. they respect me and your space.

I'm 5 minutes away from you. Can you at least not sleep and wait until I'm back?
I don't want to continue talking through texts like that


I love you
Nothing will ever change that

I love you, too

"Y/N, she was being friendly, that's all!" Harry gave a laugh in disbelief as looked at you with his eyebrows raised.

"I'm sorry but calling you hot is friendly? The amount of unnecessary physical touch is friendly?" You raised an eyebrow at him, "Guess she should really teach me how to be friendly with other people, too because looks like I've been doing it wrong all along."

Harry sighed, closing his eyes momentarily before approaching you as you stood, leaning on the vanity table with your arms crossed across your chest. "Y/N, there's no need for jeal-"

"Don't even finish that sentence," You interrupted him, shaking your head, "Because it's not about jealousy. It's about how you always seem to mix flirting with being friendly when it comes to you but when it comes to me? Every man on the planet is flirting with me and wants to fuck me!"

Harry took a deep breath, staring at you as he seemed to take in what you said before he nodded, his hands reaching to your arms, letting you uncross them as he held your hands in his, leaning to kiss your palms. "I'm sorry."

"Harry, do you actually understand what I'm saying or do you just want to get this over with?" You asked gently, your posture slumping slightly as you frowned, looking up at him.

He wrapped your arms around his waist, leaning forward to wrap his arms around your shoulders as he brought you in for a hug. "I understand. I haven't been looking at it like that and now that you say it, I understand. I'm sorry for being oblivious."

You sighed, tightening your grasp around him as you leaned your forehead on his chest. "I hate to look like a jealous, overprotective wife but I really don't like her."

"You're not a jealous, overprotective wife and even if you are, I love it. She went past her limit and you have every right to act the way you did." Harry replied, kissing your head before pulling away to look at you, "But I hate fighting with you."

"I hate fighting with you, too."

"And don't leave like that again, please. I probably looked like a headless chicken looking for you." Harry cupped your face in his hands, leaning down to peck your lips with a soft, sweet kiss.

You smiled bashfully, shrugging at him. "I'm sorry."

He only chuckled, shaking his head at you before he leaned down to press his lips to yours. In one swift motion, his hands were under your thighs to hold you against him, your legs around his waist, hands in his hair and your lips against each other.

Tokyo shenanigans.


that was so bad omg you can delete this story

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