[57] VOGUE Interview

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The cold December weather embraced our skins as we drove towards our destination. Nerves scattered and a lot of mummers from the team — we are meeting the Princess.

Arriving at Kensington Palace and after going through the security procedures, none other than the cheerful Princess Y/N, who greeted us personally, remembering our names from the day of the shoot.
Clad in a yellow knit sweater, jeans and black boots, the Princess wore her most loved feature - a smile.

Greeting and leading us towards her terrace, it was easy to notice how cosy and comfortable her flat felt. The smell of cinnamon lingering in the air — "It's the cinnamon candles." She had said.

We sat down and got offered tea and biscuits, which she had baked prior to our arrival and so, we began.

Thank you for having us today, your highness, it's a pleasure.

It's my pleasure. [Smiles]

To start, our first question; You are close to your university friends, who had graduated with you. Was it hard to experience the normal university life with a status like yours?

It wasn't very hard but I won't disregard the slight inconvenience that came with it. I made sure I wasn't called by my title anywhere there, it's one thing to have people recognise your face but to be called out "Princess" out loud surely attracts so much attention.
By the last year, everyone just seemed to have gotten used to it. I never felt like anything but a normal university gal who looks forward to stay in with her friends and eat chips, like any other person.

Is it true you used a different name?

[Laughs] It's true. I used Jenny.

Why's that?

Because when you see me and you think, "I know her, she looks familiar" and the  you hear someone calling me Jenny you'd just "Oh, never mind." It added a thrill.

Your brother, Prince William, did the same thing, right?

Yes, he called himself 'Steve'. It was funny, I remember only calling him Steve that time.

Speaking of brothers, you're very close to their highnesses. Has it ever crossed your mind that you needed a sister? How was living in a household as the only female?

No, actually. My brothers and I have a very strong bond; we're best friends. They're very present in my life and it has never caused me any trouble or made me feel like I lacked something. They're very protective of me, which is something I don't consider to be limited on brothers only, I think all siblings are protective of their youngest.

Are they protective when it comes to your love life?

[Laughs] They used to be at first, very. But right now everything just feels very comfortable. It's a wonderful feeling knowing your siblings trust the person you're with. They didn't go all 'death-grip, death-stare', they lean more towards the befriending technique.

You and your boyfriend, Harry Styles, have been together for quite a long time, yes?

Yes, 3 years.

Was it hard establishing a relationship with the difference of your lives in the middle?

We believe in fate and time. We didn't jump or rush this, we took our time. But at the end of the day, when you want to be with someone, the most important factor is how they are as a person.

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