[161] Met Gala

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[ Real Life ]

"You two are like teenagers." You heard Alessandro laugh.

You giggled, looking at yourself through the mirror one more time as you stood behind the dressing screen while Harry was in the bathroom as everyone was gathered in the dressing room after having finished getting you and your husband fitted and dressed, cameras in the room to snap the bits and highlights to post to the anticipating audience all over the world who were on the edge of their seats to see you and Harry.

"Is he out?" You asked Alessandro.

"Not yet, are you ready?"

"I'm ready."


"Yes?" Harry answered from behind the bathroom door, "Is she out?"

Everyone laughed at how similar you and Harry were, you blushing, despite that you always tell Harry to "buy a personality" when you both say the same stuff, to which he always tackles you for.

"No, are you ready?"


You and Harry had agreed that you'd get dressed in different rooms and would surprise each other with the final look, something that Gucci's photographers and videographers loved since they wanted to catch it on camera.

"I'm going to count to 3 and you both come out, alright? 1," Alessandro began instantly, "2, 3! Come out, you two!"

You stepped out from behind the dressing screen, hearing the bathroom door click open, Harry coming out.
Both of your eyes widened. He stood in his black lace top and high waisted trousers, hair slightly combed, heeled boots, his painted nails that matched yours standing out.

You stood in your high-low ruffled white dress, its train behind you as you held one side of his slightly, black high heels on. Your hair was puffed up and held back with a white headband, little flower petals accessorising your hair.

"Holy shit." Harry laughed wholeheartedly and in disbelief, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back with a dopey smile before he fisted the air in triumph, "That's my wife."

You laughed, well aware that you were trying to cover how shy and fluttered you felt, walking towards him. "You look amazing," You breathed out, eyes skimming over the details, "You're going to drive everyone absolutely mad."

"Me?" Harry's eyes widened, holding your hand before standing at an arm's length, looking at you, "Look at you!" He gasped before looking at Alessandro, "Have you seen her? How is this believab-How is this possible?"

"Oh my goodness, stop." You giggled.

"You look beautiful, Princess. Beautiful." Alessandro said in his thick accent.

You put a hand to your heart, "All thanks to you, Alessandro."

Alessandro blew you a kiss with his hand, smiling genuinely at you.

Your eyebrows went up before you looked at Harry, who still stood staring at you in awe. "Harry, your earring, you forgot your earring."


Harry rushed to get it from the duffel bag you both shared -you needed to a place for the snacks-, taking out the box of the jewellery before walking towards you, "Can you help me?"

"Yeah, come here," It was as if your mother mode went on, which made Harry chuckle as your face switched to a concentrated one as you held the jewellery in your hand, "You know you shouldn't change the earring this quick after piercing your ear," You spoke softly as you gently put on the earring, stopping when Harry hissed slightly, "Oh my God, does it hurt? Maybe you should ski-"

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